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General Discussions

By the love of God BHVR

Member Posts: 6,493

I've always argued that you are not biased towards survivor or killer. And I would probably still do. But it absolutely baffles me how you nerf the best perk for killers to slow down the game, but three patches later, still haven't adressed the ridiculous sound bugs that were introduced wih the Oni patch.

It is so annoying to not be able to hear running survivors at all, even when they are one meter next to you. Can anyone tell me if they at least have responded to this issue, letting us know they are aware of this problem? Because it can be a pretty crippling bug for killers, and if there hasn't even been a response yet, I think that's quite ridiculous. At least let us know you are working on a fix, losing a survivor just because they run away from a loop without actually making any effort to lose you, is quite frustrating, especially now that Ruin is nerfed and killers are playing against the clock more than ever.

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  • Member Posts: 1,170
  • Member Posts: 244

    i don't think they have for some reason even though there are probably hundreds upon hundreds of videos that prove its a thing

  • Member Posts: 43

    They probably don't see it as a bug, but as a feature. Pretty Good Job So Far.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I mean killers have seen a lot of buffs as well so I don't feel they are really survivor biased. I just think it's ridiculous that such an issue has not yet been adressed at all. Especially since it has happened multiple times now.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    The sounds are still so bad. It seems to be the running sounds and while slugged. Just had a game as Feng on the ground with me making absolutely zero sounds, no Iron Will or anything.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Just had a game as Oni on Ormount. Only got one hook before 5 gens popped. The gens did go fast, but I could have definitely done something about that. What screwed me over was the sound. With Oni it seems particularly frustrating, because losing a survivor means you might just have waisted your entire power and have to regain it now. And that happened during my first use of the power. 2 gens popped after that, and from that point on I just played like crap, because who really wants to still try in a match where you get screwed over by the game itself. I was so tempted to just dc.

    I get it might seem a bit insulting to the devs, but the only reason for something like this is a level of incompitance, at least that's the only reason I can think of. Having sound being bugged multiple times, never fully recovering. And now, when the sound gets hit particularly hard, they still haven't even let us know they are aware of the issue one month later.

    I honestly feel like rage quitting on Ormount is the way to go at the moment. Since that map on top of the non existing sound has terrible scratch marks. I can only hope they fix these sound bugs very soon. I don't even mind the Ruin nerf, and I personally don't have much of a problem with the game's current objective time. But the sound bug, that just kills it for me.

  • Member Posts: 6,493
    edited January 2020

    I would love to know that too for sure, but it seems like they haven't. Which is just frustrating to be honest.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Maybe youll be able to hear them if you had a headset and actually listened. If you suspect a survivor is near try hearing grass move

  • Member Posts: 339

    But the Bug is that you literally Can't hear that- Either the Chase Volume is too loud, or the Audio Oculision is beyond screwed

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Dude I've seen in multiple videos and experienced myself in game that survivors pretty much don't make any footstep sounds at all, no mater how close you are to the survivor. This has nothing to do with my headset.

    Just play killer, pick a lerys offering, and then try and get as close as possible to a survivor while they are running from you. See if you can hear anything. You can barely hear their footsteps when right next to them. As soon as they are just one or two meters away from you, you don't hear any footsteps at all anymore. The sound has been decreased a lot in the latest Oni patch.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    No I meant buffs. Freddy's rework comes to mind immediately. Then there's the healing nerf, big decrease in pallet density, nerfs to certain survivor perks, and so on. Sure these are indirect buffs, but they helped killers a lot. The game has improved a lot over time in my opinion. But this sound bug still being in this game, plus the speed at which they are reworking maps, is a problem.

  • Member Posts: 233

    What perk nerfs lmao. DS was straight buffed to be a 60 second safe bubble, BT is still a free second chance off the hook with zero payoff that builds with deliverance for a free unhook, Unbreakable was also straight buffed. Hell, BL can still generate infinites on the right tilesets. Game has hardly changed in the 8 months I put it down in. The same core problems affect both sides.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    The game hasn't changed all that much in the last year, that's true. Still, I do think DS was definitely nerfed, now you have at least counterplay to not get hit by it. Balanced Landing did receive a nerf, and Mettle of Man was gutted.

    And again, the biggest buffs for killers were probably the healing nerf, and the huge decrease of the pallet density. The latter in particular made such a nice difference. Then there are many buffs before I started even playing the game, such as pallet vacuum being removed, or the killers pick up time being reduced.

    And while they are way to slow with map reworks, the map reworks that have happened were good for killers. Plus the new maps are much more balanced.

  • Member Posts: 233

    Eh, but here's the core issue. No matter how many maps you redesign, one hook for the killer, or 12% of victory, is worth 60% of survivor objectives. Until that changes, it's going to be a MASSIVE imbalance, especially since the killer is supposed to be the power role. So either they completely redesign the maps and remove every god pallet or massive time sink loop so pallets go back to their intended purpose, or they decrease the amount of hooks needed for kills.

  • Member Posts: 315

    Recently, I have not played for killers, because there are no groaning sounds at all. Not when the survivor is injured, nor when he/she is on the ground. And without perks. This is unbearable and ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I mean that depends. If you only go for the first survivor you see and chase him only in areas where no other survivor is at, then it's possible that 60% of survivors objectives will be done. However that would require you to take about 80 seconds to down a survivor, and even from there on, things will slow down a bit because now one survivor has to unhook the other survivor.

    That's why I do think map reworks and killer buffs will make a difference. The smaller a map, for example, the more likely it is for you to push multiple survivors off a generator, even while chasing one survivor. The less safe pallets, the more chances a killer has for counterplay, downing survivors faster and forcing survivors off of gens because they need to unhook a survivor.

    Also the better a killer is in chases, the faster he can down survivors and the more mobility he has, the better he can pressure gens.

    Problem is I feel like it's hard to come up with some kind of mobility power for every killer, and different sizes of maps can also be nice for more variety. Maybe having specific second objectives built in to weaker killers or bigger maps would be a good idea. This would also definitely keep up the variety.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Yes I agree, and it's really frustrating to see that BHVR seemingly hasn't even made any response to let us know they are working on this issue. If anything, these sound bugs will make me stop playing this game for a while, not the Ruin nerf.

    Really was looking forward to playing Oni after the next patch, since his flick is kinda back, but he gets hit particularly hard by the sound bugs on certain maps.

  • Member Posts: 233

    Map reworks for neutrality would be a good idea, as it is, a map will literally either win or lose the match for you as killer

  • Member Posts: 980

    I have yet to encounter any of the sound issues going on. I hear survivor footsteps, breathing, grass swishing etc etc all the time. It's literally my #1 way to track them during a chase. Cannot count the number of times I've gotten surprise hits and/or grabs out of a locker because their sounds lead me right to them in the past couple weeks.

    The only time I don't hear this stuff is when they have Iron Will or a similar Perk to stop them.

    Is this on console specifically? I play on PC, so maybe there's a difference in the builds right now.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    No I play on PC as well. No idea what is going on.

    I do sometimes hear footsteps of running survivors as well, but for the most part they are pretty much completely silent for me.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    The sound is bugged in some way so often that it’s probably considered the default state for the game now.

  • Member Posts: 980

    Weird. I've gotten called out in a couple matches for "hacking" because I could hear people's breathing and/or walking just this week. Newer players of course.

    I remember the old sound issues they had before they put some fixes in. If it's like that for you, my sympathies. That was bad trying to track people for me. I ended up just playing Survivor for a while until they patched it.

  • Member Posts: 1,300
    edited January 2020
  • Member Posts: 315

    And I play on ps4. This problem seems to be on all platforms.

  • Member Posts: 478

    I remember the curtain call chapter, seemed like things were looking up for killers then. Been going downhill ever since. Killer used to be fun, now it's just constantly getting more stressful.

    I used to absolutely love this game, but now I can load it up and not even make it past the loading screen before I think, nahhhh I dont feel like this ######### right now. And play apex or something. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't balance killer around high level play, and balance survivor around newer players. Which imo is what happens 75% of the time.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    For me it's actually worse than ever. At least on indoor maps I was always able to hear footsteps of running survivors, but now even those are almost completely silent to me.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Really? I thought the nerf to healing and pallet density happened after that.

    As far as I remember, I particularly started enjoying this game as killer about the time when Legion was released, and have so ever since. The problem now is just that the sound once again is bugged like crazy, which is so furstrating.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    The addons that increased charges of a medkit were bugged.

  • Member Posts: 764

    @Peanits @Almo Sound issues are quite common in your patches since day 1...can you please give us some timeline for a fix to this recurring sound issue?

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Yeah at least any kind of response to let us know they are aware of this issue would be welcome.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Just face it brother. The devs don't give a ######### about killers or how it impacts killers. The only time they do anything about killer's is if it makes us 'Over Perform' or if it 'Inconveniences or annoys survivors' at this point I am questioning if any of the devs are fighting for or considering killers, because they seem to forget that killer make up a percentage of this games community

  • Member Posts: 478

    It was, I just remember Curtain Call being a more killer sided patch. Well now that I'm thinking about it, when they gutted pig and legion is when it started going down hill for me at least.

    I know legion was thought to be annoying to go against, but the changes they made were a little drastic and set the tempo for the rest. Besides Freddy, whoever worked on him understands what makes killer stressful.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I'm not going to face it because it's not true in my opinion. Healing nerf, pallet density nerf, pallet vacuum being removed, DS and Mettle of Man nerf, Freddy rework, there have been many changes for killers to make their experience better.

    As much as I am frustrated with the devs that this sound bug hasn't been adressed yet, because it really should have, I'm not going to accuse them of bias towards any side.

  • Member Posts: 822

    I have Astro A50s and I hear every sound PERFECT as survivor, but as killer in most of my matches everything is muffled. Billy's saw is almost muted along with survivor footsteps and breathing while music is at full volume. It's very noticable. I wonder if it may be an iron will bug of some kind where if one survivor brings IW it applies the sound reduction to all sound effects heard by killer from all sources, even the rest of the team

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    That would be very interesting honestly. Never paid attention if any of the survivors I faced in a match was running Iron Will. I honestly doubt that's the cause, but who knows.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Nerfed Nurse because she was over performing and could keep mad pressure on maps and and chases, because it gave survivor's no breathing space

    Nerfed Spirit because she was over performing and irritated survivors, her nerf came with the sound bugs which has been brought up to their attention 3 months ago but isn't a priority because apparently it favors survivors

    Nerfed Oni because they thought his Blood Fury flick was too strong

    Nerfed Freddy's add ons because he was slowing the game down too much and they wanted to give survivor's a chance

    Nerfing Ruin because it's irritating new survivor's.

    The only good that they have done for killer within these last few patches is nerf balanced to attempt to end god loops which still exist on some maps. The only hope killers have left is they wake the ######### up and realize what they are doing to the killer community

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    So yeah there have been killer nerfs as well. Just as there have been many killer bufs.

    I think the biggest difference here is that, except for the Ruin nerf, the other nerfs have all just been for one specific killer, whereas the buffs applied to all killers.

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