Best Exhaustion Perk? (2020)

TommyFredo Member Posts: 48

Pick your favorite and explain :)

Best Exhaustion Perk? (2020) 58 votes

Dead Hard
LevelSwordCheersExerlinBigbootiejudy666YaiPaUistreelMarksmanSpecaljasonq500Brucecastro81anonymous31337SupaSlay3r20Maníaco_da_garrafaSebaOutbreakDebridgedPokemonGOPlayerFlexman[Deleted User] 17 votes
Sprint Burst
WeederickGibberishJnnsMudanielbird11TapeKnotarslaNFeryGEN[Deleted User]XxkuroxshiroxXtoxicmeggDr_LoomisAhoyWolfpalletsryummyDetailedDetrimentToastyyTommyFredopizzamessWolfvenchechyoubecha 19 votes
BossKaethelaRipleHHH89AvilgusMattie_MayhemOGUndershot 6 votes
Head On
Boosted_DwightCreepingcam1070FilledPizzaHayTMarouMiaousneakymeghead 6 votes
PigsterCarlosyluMrsGhostfaceSlayer192845nimesulidecap9130Azgarthus 7 votes
DexyIVmicha_beck 2 votes
Balanced Landing
Vigil (technically an exhaustion-ish perk)
ClawsOfHell 1 vote


  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929
    Dead Hard

    Sprint burst is godlike only if you're already very good at looping and at taking every vault as a fast vault. But dead hard is much polyhedric and most of the times has no counter.

  • PokemonGOPlayer
    PokemonGOPlayer Member Posts: 179
    Dead Hard

    I understand Dead Hard does not work well with the servers but having I-Frames and extending loops isn't possible with SBurst, no other Perk is at their level imho, maybe Head On which is not really comparable because it does a very different thing.

  • Creepingcam1070
    Creepingcam1070 Member Posts: 330
    Head On

    It is such a fun perk

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    edited January 2020
    Dead Hard

    It saved my life on countless occasions. Even though dedicated servers screwed it up, it's still useful. Lithe is a close second though.

    I don't like the rest of them very much because they feel way too situational for me.

    Also, Lithe appears twice in the options.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080
    Sprint Burst

    Sprinto Bursto. After the BL nerf, i equipped it again after over a year. And its still as strong as i remembered. Holy...

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
    Head On

    Head On, when used efficiently, is pretty good at extending loops. Not as good as Dead Hard but DH doesn't have that fun factor Head On has.

  • RipleHHH89
    RipleHHH89 Member Posts: 86

    Lithe is my favourite, combined with dance with me and iron will.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    I don’t like any others. I only use this for the times I run a killer while the last gen is popped, they hook me and camp me. Being able to get off the hook and counter being tunneled is nice.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352
    Dead Hard

    It's a tough decision between SB and Dead Hard, but DH takes the cake. It allows a good survivor to fix one mistake while looping and take an extra window or pallet.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited January 2020
    Sprint Burst

    There's really no competition when it comes to the best exhaustion perk.

    Dead Hard is OK but can easily be countered with a well-timed lunge.

    Lithe is only good for extending a chase at a jungle-gym or for the getaway vault build.

    Head-On is actually a very nice perk but doesn't work well alone.

    Adrenaline is obviously a great perk but is relied on too much and is less of an exhaustion perk and more of a second-chance perk. Hope is better anyway.

    Balanced Landing would've easily taken the cake if it wasn't nerfed. But we know the devs, the PTB isn't meant to provide feedback to changes, it's meant for you to get used to the changes because the devs never change anything in the PTB.

    Vigil is only good for 99ing Sprint Burst.

    Post edited by DetailedDetriment on
  • TommyFredo
    TommyFredo Member Posts: 48
    Sprint Burst

    I like your opinions, except on adrenaline. It's a phenomenal perk in the Red Ranks but it also takes away another perk that could be helping you prolong the game. Hope in my opinion is a garbage perk because even at tier 3 you're running at 104%, compared to the killers 115%. You're not going to be looping at the EGC. Adrenaline gives you a 150% 5 second boost and a health state heal. So it can help you in slugging situations, making distance on a tunneling killer, and or just getting to the exit gates before the killer can down you. Nonetheless, great post.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited January 2020
    Sprint Burst

    It's 107% at top-tier which makes everything an infinite against Huntress.

    You're also faster than killers when they're carrying a survivor.

  • TommyFredo
    TommyFredo Member Posts: 48
    Sprint Burst

    Sorry, the 104% was from when the perk first dropped. But is everybody going to play Huntress when you run the perk? Also, it's an end game perk so it doesn't help you throughout the game, and even during the end game collapse who is looping? Not an argument, just a discussion. I like to see what you think, and maybe you can change my mind.

  • TommyFredo
    TommyFredo Member Posts: 48
    Sprint Burst

    CORRECTION- that came out wrong about the looping, yes people are looping during the ECG to ensure everybody that is alive gets out, but not running a infinite. In my personal experience.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    Sprint Burst

    It overall depends on the killer speed, but Huntress and no blink Nurse can be infinitely ran at even the unsafest of loops.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609
    Dead Hard

    My favorite is Dead hard, but SP is better

  • sneakymeghead
    sneakymeghead Member Posts: 32
    Head On

    Head-on because i play this game for fun :)