Sick of the entitlement

You killers keep winning "oh ruin was our only chance to get a hook before a gen popped"....and "how dare the developers be survivor sided" know why ruin got nerfed? Not just because of new survivors. It got nerfed because this game is balanced around killers getting a 2k each game not a 4k and even then, if you aren't good you're not getting a 2k. The Gen speeds are not a valid concern as yet again, the game is balanced around 2k. Increasing gen times as is almost guarantees you to be the role in favor during a trial which simply is not how it is. I also find it absolutely hilarious y'all can't do good without ruin. I've never played hag, don't even own ruin or bbq or any of the meta killer perks, I main Oni and ghostface and I usually get about 3k and that's because I let the last person live usually. You don't need ruin or a crutch perk to succeed in red ranks you just need to play survivor more and figure out how those people play so you can adjust accordingly. You're all currently blaming your lack of skill on behavior and it's ridiculous.


  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    lol good bait

  • greekfire774
    greekfire774 Member Posts: 170
    edited January 2020

    Lol killers used it because they feel entitled to 4k. If we're gonna insult eacother though and ignore the literal facts that's cool too. Y'all want Gen speeds decreased, map size decreases, all simply because you feel entitled to getting a 4k. Well, the Game isn't balanced that way, it's not the intent of it. The developers even said blatantly that it's not the intent and still y'all pull the blanket over your eyes and make these obsurd suggestions all based around your 4k. This isn't a bait post it's just hard facts that you can't swallow and that's on you.

  • Eclipse4598
    Eclipse4598 Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2020

    When was the last time you pipped at red ranks with a 2k? Never? Cool cool so are killers meant to just stay low rank and not pip. Also you main Oni that’s cool one issue tho he’s a high tier killer don’t think many clowns will be pipping now

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    Killer at red ranks is way less about skill and way more about RNG. Nobody can possibly exert the amount of pressure on gens and survivors. Survivors WILL escape unless they play badly or play meme builds, and even when they do make big mistakes, they have 2 or 3 second-chance perks anyway. There's always way too much variation in game results, most likely because of matches with BNP and Adrenaline as opposed to matches that don't have them and the killer has a little bit of a chance. Why is it that as a red rank killer, some games I 4k, and then the next 2, I'll get a 1k and a 0k? It's hard to pip as killer, so you can't say it's a fluke that I'm up this high. How am I red rank and getting 0k games? Is that because the survivors are just that much better than me? I don't think so.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    You should try to understand what they say and if you are unable to than that is a you problem. I do not feel obligated to have to explain it to you, right now the game is so dumb ######### easy as survivor when you play with 3 good friends that you can beat most killers without much effort and oh boy look they are making it even easier because reasons.

    Literally nothing that you wrote makes me even consider that you read/understood anything of what people complain about. Go read through the complaints again there is no entitlement going on.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Well to be fair that's a problem of Clown, not killers in general. You can't buff weaker killers by buffing all killers because that just makes the strong killers op.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Why would you pip for a 2k?

    The game is balanced around a 2k. It’s designed so that in a killer vs survivor game of equal skill you will get the 2k. A black pip should be what you get. You didn’t do bad, you didn’t do good. You did average.

    A pip requires you doing better than expected showing that this isn’t the level for you, you’re a better player and need to be moved to a higher rank as you performed better than was designed.

    In that regard the rank system appears to be working.

  • Eclipse4598
    Eclipse4598 Member Posts: 14

    Your unlikely to even safety with a 2k which by ranking systems logic you should do

  • Eclipse4598
    Eclipse4598 Member Posts: 14

    That’s fair but they haven’t buffed weak killers heck in most cases they nerf them (pig) the issue is they nerf perks weak killers needed without compensating and some strong killers didn’t even need/use ruin

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Every strong killer I came across used Ruin. Freddy, Billy, Spirit, Nurse etc the only time I saw a killer without Ruin was when that killer didn’t have it due to being low rank.

    In fact a number of them would take both Ruin and NOED. They were bad players but those two perks alone carried them quite far.

    I agree with you though that low tier killers need a buff. I think shrinking some of the maps and fixing some of the god loops might be a better start but that requires much more work.

  • Eclipse4598
    Eclipse4598 Member Posts: 14

    Fair enough I guess I’m mostly annoyed because I main pig and clown and due to the wording of the dev posts

  • LexTalionis
    LexTalionis Member Posts: 135

    If this game was balanced around 2k, the scoring system would reflect that.

    It doesn't. Hence, you are incorrect.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Yeah exactly. But that's once again maybe one of the reasons Ruin was nerfed. Weaker killers needed Ruin, but the stronger killers were a bit too strong with Ruin.

    I do wish they were much faster with the map reworks and buffs to weak killers.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763
    edited January 2020

    Maybe when they fix the emblem system the game will be balanced around 2K and not just Gatekeeper.

    "You don't need Ruin or a crutch perk to succeed in red ranks". Really? Tell that to the majority of red rank survivors running full builds of second chance crutch perks backed by a team of crutch perks. Nice try.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited January 2020

    That doesn't really make any sense, though, because the current Ruin changes actually make strong killers stronger, like Freddy/Nurse/Billy, even Demo, while making weaker killers...weaker.

    They make people go from relying on Ruin to simply relying on Corrupt Intervention, and when 80% of killers are using CI, they'll still refuse to see the flaw in the core design and nerf CI.

    It still makes me angry seeing a 3 point post about the Ruin/Doc and the other changes on the PTB, and the entire post was nothing but the devs talking about survivors in it. Imagine making all of these changes to a killer, perk, and all you do is talk about it from a survivor perspective, and the changes being made with nothing but survivors in mind. Then you plug your ears to criticism lol

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    Then why can survivors pip when they die in the game?

    Why can the last survivors get a pip when exit via hatch when all teammates are killed?

    There are reasons why people feel that it's too easy to rank up.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    The games physically impossible to balance around a 2k. It's a cool philosophy, but eventually in a perfect world the 2k balance will be broken as killers learning to adapt will start to push 3k and 4k again resulting in further nerfs. All you have effectively done is hurt new players to the game. The same is said for survivors. Unlike survivor if you add in a artificial glass cealing for the skill cap on Killer. Once broken by a player the skill level will rise far above expectations. Eventually this will create monsters in the dbd ranks of killers. Monsters that survivors will never be prepared for because they have learned to hone the skills around a balance and average of 2k.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    It depends on everything else that happened in the game.

    kills and escaping alone shouldnt determined the pip.

    Whats better, 3 hooking 2 survivors and 2 hooking the ones that escape? Or 3 hooking 2 survivors and not hooking the others at all?

    There is a lot of variables to take into account and nobody is saying that the current system is perfect

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    That's what i'm saying.

    As killer, you can 2 hook everyone but depip or black pip.

    As survivors, i only depip or black pip when killer camps or tunnels me, which is not that common actually.

    So back to your post, i think pipping as killer should not depend on kills. Saying 2k for killers should always be black pip is just unfair for killers.

    (Not to mention how bad the the system is for plague and other 1 shot killers)

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    As if balancing around 2k’s are a good idea. Killers don’t feel entitled to a 4k; they feel entitled to a power role being the power role because that’s what the power role entails. The point of Survivor is that you’re supposed to feel oppressed and helpless against the Killer; I hardly feel “oppressed” knowing that as long as my team has half a brain I have a 50 to 80 percent chance of getting out, even if I suck absolute wee wee.

    If you think Killers are OP, you need to find a different game. Killers are supposed to be OP; that’s why only one of them is pitted against 4 enemies every match. That’s the point of Killer. If they’re not OP, they’re weak. And if the average game is a 2k, that’s hardly OP in the slightest.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    i guess we dont wanna talk about how DS, Adren, DH, Iron Will, and BT are all found in nearly every game...

    not to mention how brainless DS is to use

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    Every post in the history calling out complaining killers.

    "I tOtAllZ MaiZN KiLer"

    Sure ya do.

    Or guy at rank 17 who just picked up the game thinks hes good beating newbs with Oni.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I personally don't think the new Ruin will be better for the more powerful killers than old Ruin. I think even on Billy old Ruin was still more effective than this new Ruin.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    Look its nice that you get 3k's with Oni at rank 20 but while there are people mad at the nerf in general most people who are complaining are mad that the update is so survivor biased with no intention of fixing why Ruin was used. If devs said "Hey we are reworking Ruin so we can get a clearer picture on how to change gen speeds" i guarantee you there wouldve been a lot less outrage and even more threads defending the dev's actions.

    And me saying its biased isnt just an exaggeration these are quotes i pulled directly from the designer notes, tell me if these sound survivor/killer sided or neutral.

    "[The Doctor] has been a polarizing figure since his release, and we felt it was time to revisit his kit with an eye to making it less frustrating to play against him"

    "We identified a major source of irritation to be his Static Field. The problem is that The Doctor gets periodic notifications of Survivors' locations in his Terror Radius due to their Madness levels increasing passively. It's the lack of action needed on the part of The Doctor to find nearby Survivors that makes it feel annoying to play against. With that in mind, the update centers around removing Static Field and replacing it with another ability."

    "Ruin is used in over 80% of all games in the red ranks, and across the entire userbase it appears in about 45% of all games. We took a close look at the perk to identify what makes it so frustrating to play against."

    "This version of the perk has many benefits: 

    • Survivors who are working on generators are unaffected as the perk no longer affects Skill Checks. 
    • Killers must be active in pushing Survivors off generators to get value from it."
  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I was referring to the comment which was complaining that a 2k does not result in a pip. But again yeah there are a lot of variables.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I literally just had a match that was under 5 minutes long, got a double pip, and ignored 2 point catagories - while also playing selfishly. As survivor.

    Then when killer's have to stress, sweat, and play in unfun manners to just black pip. No this game is heavily survivor sided.

    But yeah, tell me again how the Killers are the ones entitled?

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    You beat me to the poor spelling joke. Well done sir.

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    Or the logic behind the nerf was bad.

    Reasons for the nerf

    New players were constantly getting frustrated with the perk because it punishes them for not being able to hit greats

    Ok. Fair enough a easy counter to this argument is that ruin incentizes new players to learn how to hit greats

    Ruin was used in 80% of games

    This is where the logic starts to fall apart. The main reason Ruin was a meta perk and a staple for lots of killer builds was because it slowed gens down since they could be done relatively quickly if enough people are working on it (worse with prove thyself) or toolboxes. Survivors spawn near gens alot and in groups alot too so a first gen could be popped easily or worse 2 gens are being worked on and they both pop. Plus they automatically nerfed ruin without looking at other commonly used survivor perks. DS,BT,Prove Thyself or exhaustion perks besides BL.

    This Nerf was mostly survivor sided and they just assumed we used it because the gatekeeper emblem was frustrating. Sure new ruin works great with perks like survalience. But it's been gutted for players who dont have those perks and it's mostly survivor mains who get the last laugh this time.

  • DoctorShockBoi
    DoctorShockBoi Member Posts: 152

    You're obviously a rank 21 and only have 100 hours in the game.

    Or you're literally just salty and won't ever stop complaining xD

  • cthulhu_101
    cthulhu_101 Member Posts: 11

    Hey yo calm down

  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140

    While that is true both groups are holding the discussions back so that no actual solutions can be found.

  • BlackRainbow
    BlackRainbow Member Posts: 40

    Let them whine about it.. It's funny. Those who cry so much, do deserve it anyway.

    Love their pain.

  • Cayde1342
    Cayde1342 Member Posts: 96

    Cause survivors kept whining about ruin to begin with.

  • greekfire774
    greekfire774 Member Posts: 170

    Lol everybody likes to throw around the "rank 20 comments". I'm rank 5 killer and I still feel killers are just as entitled as survivors are. Look at the forums and it's blatantly obvious.