So a bit about me, I played the beta years ago and at one time had an account with 4k hours but because of personal reasons I deleted the account and a year later moved to console (PS4) where I play today. I main killer and am by far one of the most unlucky survivors you'll ever meet being my track record involves me getting caught first and normally hooked after, and yet I was at one time rank 1 in sin survivor because of dumb luck.
Dealing with killer I have a "No mercy" kind of deal being I do my best to make sure everyone meets their fate, however I still respect the 4% and do my best not to tunnel. I like tp have fun as killer and I'd prefer the people I am hunting to feed to a being of pure cruelty and torment to have fun too... till they're downed and/or dismembered I mean.
I main Trapper (P3Lvl50) as killer and Quentin Smith (P2Lvl50) as survivor and until the day BHVR adds a bloody Beanie Quentin I refuse to prestige him. Also, I host a bit of a custom game night with a group of friends I made 2-3 years ago called "Late Night Massacre" or LNM for short. We play things like Killer Roulette, One Perk to Rule Them All, Hide and Seek, Every C*nt For Themselves, etc. Just a lotta fun with a group of buddies.
Lastly a bit about myself personally, I am Scottish, I am an artist, a furry, and I swear a lot, and I just enjoy having a good time in video games. Down bellow are links to my YouTube, Twitch, and Twitter if anyone wants to check anything out about my art or videos. I also will post on here once I warm up a bit to this Forum.