I do believe that's frowned upon, as with anything that would give an active benefit to said player.
Fair enough, but these are still things to keep in mind while looking at unofficial stats, or even official ones. People can try to manipulate things, and these are rather easy to do so. The official stats would be awkward and I'd assume boring to do so, though.
Sorry for the long delay, didn't see this reply. As for what could cause the win rates to not be approximately the same between BHVR stats and Nightlight stats, newer players are probably not using it, and therefore raising the win rate, if they're losing, or lowering it, if they're winning. Anyone who's not using it would…
Fair point, but it seems to be the math they're using. Nightlight doesn't provide the full picture, either.
A 2k is a tie as it's the very middle of the road. 3k and 4k are wins and 1k and 0k are losses. 60% kill rate comes out to an average of 2.4 kills per game. This means killers have an average win rate of 40% of their games, and survs are winning 40% of their games.
To be fair, the difficulty doesn't have anything to do with the dependency on others. If you go one a 10 hour chase (obvious exaggeration, if someone planned on pointing it out) but your allies did absolutely nothing, doesn't make it hard, just annoying at how others play. Difficulty is based on the 1v1, not the 4v1,…
Pick a distance, decide a fair time to leave that distance from the hook, and if you get into chase, before that time ends, no punishment, but if you stay in that area for too long, without getting chase, you get punished.
If I may, pick a distance, find out how long it takes Nurse to WALK out of that range, add a couple extra seconds, and if the killer remains in that distance from the hooked surv, without entering chase, they get the punishment.
I think the logical fallacy you are referring to is the appeal to authority, all while you use the ad hominem fallacy. Yes, Otz's opinion isn't fact and he is fallible, but he's one of the people who should be listened to, the most, due to his knowledge of the game and him trying to take into account his own personal…