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  • Feel like we had this debate already when Trickster was added but we’ve gotten used to him now. Vecna is fine, and I find him very fun to use. I’m not a DnD fan but hearing them talk about it shows how much they wanted something as beloved as DnD to work in DbD and I personally think they’ve got it. People harp on about…
  • I think with the pace of the game and randomness of the chests, having them more hidden wouldn’t be the best idea. I think survivors seeing some other Killer items is questionable, but for this I think it makes sense. If he had an iridescent add-on to hide the auras then I think that could have worked. That would…
  • @ad19970 After playing him more, I get your view. The orb does no damage but does dispel positive effects from the chest gear. I don’t think the slowdown on that is that necessary, maybe at the very least reduce or shorten it if they feel it’s somehow necessary. Just being unable to quickly attack or using another spell…
  • Agree, really enjoying Vecna so far, although I hope he gets some Work by smoothing the slowdowns on his spells a bit, make the skeleton rushes a bit faster and smoother too, they seem too easy to dodge. I tried DS as a Survivor and it does get deactivated, you can’t use it after a conspicuous action, but the perk stays…
  • It's getting tiring, despite being so used to it. Literally the same types of comments under the same post on Facebook today: "The devs don't even care about Killers anymore, what even is this update" "Survivors can't have anything anymore can they" I mean, bruh, it's never ending and it will never end. Both sides got…
  • I wouldn't underestimate the power of preventing lost momentum via a flashlight save. Even one prevented rescue can save you much more time than the rescue would have cost you. Do it several times and it's worth it's weight in gold.
  • This hurts to hear, completely unexpected. I’ll be valuing Unknown even more than I already do.
  • I’ve been playing for 6 years. Yesterday I was playing Skull Merchant and got taken to Erie of crows, tends to happen a lot. I got stomped and only secured a basement kill at the end with two hooks through the match. Just survivors holding forward and pre dropping and they blasted through generators. Despite my efforts…
  • I’ll just lay out some facts: When I face survivors that actually try, my games go normally and I’ve actually been stomped pretty hard by some groups. She is by no means the strongest Killer and she does have counterplay. Her power is oppressive in chase, but that’s kind of the point. At the same time, survivors who give…
  • You could be right. Maybe the Anniversary is licensed and it’s their opportunity to give one to the Unknown and Sable. I think it’s definitely possible to have more Unknown lore in the same fashion as the base lore. Stories about situations it’s involved in but not about it directly.
  • I was mulling over how to spell that for a moment haha.
  • Real shame that there’s nothing for Unknown. I don’t get what happened to their new philosophy of OG characters being the focus of the next tome unless it’s a license. Unknown has so much skin potential.
  • Yeah, that’s another thing about it. You could argue because of the quality of it. New animations, theme, music? (Not sure), Mori, sounds etc. Thing is you can buy a brand new Killer for much cheaper than that. The pricing is crazy, but hopefully it’s eventually earnable with shards.
  • He should be kickable just like he is now. That change was because he didn’t latch on to healthy survivors anymore, but that’s been reverted so he will still latch on to healthy ones and be kickable after a down.
  • ”Surprising for an inferior lifeform” - when being stunned by a pallet. Shout out to “you’ll pay more for that”.
  • For me this year would have been perfect if Xeno's tail attack was something else entirely or worked differently. It's something we've had before, multiple times (shred, punishment of the damned, artist crows, nemesis whip). That held Xeno back for me, because I like how the tunnels and turrets work. For someone who wanted…
  • I’d say yes. People are throwing around SWF accusations with no real evidence beside steam friends or matching names, so this would alleviate that. Although, just because people are playing together doesn’t always mean they’re sweating on comms.
  • I’d be inclined to agree. He was the first image of Chucky I saw growing up so it always stuck with me, that and my father had a tattoo of this version of Chucky on him so there’s a bit of sentimental value.
  • Tiffany for Chucky. “What a drama queen. You don’t have to scream every time you’re hooked. Seriously” Gets me every time.
  • Skull Merchant… Jokes aside, really go for whoever you gravitate the most towards. It depends on your criteria. For aesthetic and lore? All three of the monster Killers are great. Skull Merchant is a mixed bag when it comes to her lore and cosmetics, but some find that appealing. Dredge has a straightforward kit to use,…
  • I love facing The Xenomorph, especially when it’s in its bipedal form. It just takes me back to Alien isolation and I just love Xenomorph’s in general. It could be the weakest or strongest Killer in the game but I just love the aesthetic and vibe of it. I think they did a great job bringing it to the game outside of its…
  • The closest Nemesis has come to a secondary power is the Blight serum from the Halloween event. Having an occasional dash available that could cause an injured state and knock a survivor into a structure would be great and give him more chase flexibility, or let him choose what one he wants to do. Maybe use the whip to…
  • I think you’re right about both points. I personally preferred reworked Sadako but get why it was frustrating. I felt like survivors that actually dealt with tapes were fine though, it was those that let stacks passively build and didn’t bother to get rid of it. She was a solo q stomper, easily. Skull Merchant is fine as…
  • if SBMM really does work this way, it explains how I always seem to get paired with survivors who are clearly better than me, who are also paired with survivors who aren’t very good at looping and pathing and make simple mistakes.
  • She’s considered amongst the strongest Killers for a reason (upper A tier). Her power is sort of a lose-lose situation but it’s how you handle those situations that changes the outcome against her. She stomps a lot of solo q games because of uncoordinated survivors. Some will cleanse, some won’t, then infection continues…
  • Yeah I feel like this never used to happen. Kind of makes guards useless in certain scenarios.
  • Huh, mask and possible machete, trapper? Hard to say.
  • I hope you’re wrong. The way I interpret this change is giving twins a solid downing power and ability to secure downs by making pick ups for the survivor harder and making it easier to get to them. To me the most fun thing with Twins right now is attaching Victor and flanking a survivor trying to run. Anyone trying to…
  • I’ve been around since December 2017, and for years this behaviour has gotten to me. Things have changed for me in the last few months and I take the game less seriously and it doesn’t get me as angry. Teabagging and bragging about wins/being a sore winner is so common that it doesn’t phase me anymore. I accept it as a…
  • I had someone try to flashbang save me 3 times in one match and fail each time. Sometimes they think they just missed the timing. Blast Mine has led me to survivor hiding spots because of the aura reading. Some survivors have found flashlights from chests despite no one bringing any in. Lightborn is very good for covering…
  • I’ve started confusing gens and hooks for objects covered in scratch marks and it has made things a bit confusing. I think there were maybe better ways to go about highlighting blood on the objects without making it too conflicting with scratch marks.
  • Love everything about it. The bouncing grenade feels great to use and it’s fun practicing my shots and baiting with it. The instant teleports feel great to use and it’s really fun cutting off survivors with it. Overall the most enjoyable Killer I’ve used and I’ve done well in all my games today. Maybe that’s just because…
  • No worries, I didn’t take it badly at all. I know a large portion of the community had a negative perception of these Killers specifically and I’m open to any criticism for why I would have the gal to touch them haha.
  • SM’s music is great, I like each layer of it and I think I prefer the live version to her first version. The emphasis on the percussion makes the music a bit more thrilling to me. I like the alarm sound when she’s close and the passive beats in the distant music are a little threatening. I’d give it a 9/10. Knights is…
  • Play SM primarily and Unknown when he comes out. I’ll be playing him a ton, enjoyed him a lot on the PTB and he’s up there with SM and Knight for me in terms of enjoyability. Let’s hope that doesn’t mean he becomes horrible to face, but according to PTB feedback, I doubt it. I go based on my enjoyability, not Survivors.…
  • I used to care a lot about the Killer I played and how enjoyable it was for the survivors to go against, because I do consider myself considerate of other people’s enjoyment. Then I realised that many people don’t consider my enjoyment, and only prioritise their own, so I changed my mindset. Now I’m using Killers I really…
  • It’s always good to see survivors that actually counter the drones well, I applaud the fact that they know what they’re doing and make my job much harder. When you go against survivors that know what they’re doing, you can sense it, and it’s a good change of pace. For drone placements, as open as possible to cover ground…
  • For Knight, definitely adjustments to the Guard AI, I see them get caught often. I would add 3 meters of extra range to the base kit for guard detection and keep 1 meter on the brown add on to reduce dependancy. I would also half the dried horse meat add-on and add 2 extra seconds on to the chase and keep the add on with…
  • I actually only briefly used it during its buffed state, and that was the PTB along with Call of Brine and Overcharge. It felt like too much, I don’t often use slowdowns. Limits fun builds.
  • I’d say Carnifex, only slightly ahead of Assassin. It being able to chase survivors for so long is great for wasting their time, and fast pallet smashes are fun when they work out during a chase. Or a breakable wall.
  • For Skull Merchant, her drone power is functionally really simple but effective. Powers like Nurse’s Blink and Blights Rush just don’t do it for me. Skill shots are nice but raw M1 gameplay feels the best to me and she really beefs it up. I enjoy her different weapon types and animations. Her chase music is thrilling. Her…
  • For Skull Merchant, I’m very aggressive in the chase. I don’t overly defend generators but I’ll kick if I’m passing by and it’s worth it. I’m always juggling drones to try and maintain undetectable but less likely to withdraw drones if they’re active, unless I need to. It’s fun seeing beams whirring around everywhere on…
  • There’s usually at least 1 hook suicide per match for SM. Sometimes everyone stays, but not often. I’ve had people just not even try at the start of the match. It’s usually the matches against decent loopers where everyone stays that actually end up being a challenge. You’d be surprised how often people do well when they…