The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • In the case of the match I cited, I was on death hook. Just to clarify. We all were. Either way, personal perception that someone is a bad teammate would be a poor basis on which to call for the gutting of an entire perk. I think most of us can agree on that point. I'm willing to grant that Distortion could potentially…
  • I get the feeling this push to rework moris has something to do with BHVR's desire to start selling moris. The thing is… we will buy MORE moris if they stay the way they are now (and perhaps add extra bp for successful moris) than if you can only grab one mori after playing in a toxic manner for an entire match.
  • I think it should start with three tokens, the same as it does now. In the span of two minutes you can have Lethal, NTH and Gearhead proc and be completely out of tokens. That said, I still think chase is the least healthy and logical way to recharge a stealth perk. 50% gen progress is a better way to get teammates working…
  • First of all, you're making a lot of assumptions for someone who wasn't in the match and didn't see the egc or scoreboard. So feel free to relax on judging my playstyle which you've never observed. Second, when I spoke on people who say 'chase is the most fun part of the game' I never specifically named you. I just…
  • I'm a staunch advocate for Distortion, but anything more than a maximum of 3 tokens is definitely going to be unfair. No matter how they're earned.
  • I see so many in this thread who seem to be veteran loopers assuming that every soloq survivor can take the killer for a minute long chase or even 30s. If someone isn't strong at looping, why would you want that person in the killer's face to become an easy down when they could work the objective and let the strong loopers…
  • If other perks are 'mostly irrelevant' then the killer in question is having an issue where they could stand to practice chase, map pressure, and gen patrolling a bit more. As I've said, the generators are highlighted for free. Using more than one aura perk is a crutch for killers who aren't good at hunting. For the time…
  • Object of Obsession is not a direct counter to aura reading. All it does is give you tit for tat gameplay where you can also see the killer. The problem with that is survivor is not an offensive role at its core. So I know where the monster is. And? I can't down leatherface and put him on a hook. All I can do is pick a…
  • The question remains… WHY ARE THEY RUNNING FOUR AURA READING PERKS?? How does NO ONE see this as an issue in and of itself?? Generators are highlighted for free and the killer just can't be asked to check them I guess. Also, in running a full aura build you are taking a huge risk as killer. Which is fine. Every perk…
  • This comment ironically validates the aura sniping huntress (and other aura heavy killer builds) issue and as you said, gives good cause for Distortion being available and useful (as in your SWF for info). I agree the token system needs to remain and be directly tied to contributing to the objective. Also, I'm beating a…
  • I understand the purpose of the nerf (I'm not justifying Distortion in its current state as a 'rework'. Maybe by the end of the PTB it'll be in a state we can call a true rework.) My point is that a killer doesn't need to dedicate four slots to aura reading to get huge aura reading value. The only aura perk I run as a…
  • @Nazzzak Exactly. Running into the killer's face as a requirement for stealth based gameplay just isn't logical. I also don't mind Distortion getting a nerf, but this is the wrong way
  • @Dreamnomad I tried that on no less than ten occasions during this PTB. In 8 out of 10 situations, the killer completely switched to me as a chase target. So just blindly running into someone else's chase to grab a token that lets you hide instead of being on a gen and completing the objective is, shockingly, a bad idea.…
  • @Dreamnomad How is it a 3v1 if the fourth person is, potentially, the only one doing the actual objective of the game which is completing generators? The exit gates don't get powered because someone is in chase. They get powered when gens pop. This nerf just gives killers unfettered gen pressure with zero extra effort…
  • I take it you're good at looping, which is great skill expression, but we also have to remember that everyone doesn't have the skill to survive/escape a 30 second chase. And while I want to say they should just improve at chase, everyone's career and lifestyle doesn't allow for endless hours of pure looping practice.
  • That still doesn't give any more information than Spine Chill. The core mechanic of OOO is still disabled. The functionality that allows you to make a gameplay decision about a direction to run in based on where the killer is and if they're coming towards you.
  • I can't control how others perceive the 'tone' of my forum post, although I invite everyone to write their own comprehensive review of the changes in the style they see fit. I can, however, say that as a killer main who occasionally runs Nowhere to Hide and no other aura reading perks, Distortion does not greatly affect my…
  • Who gets 18-24k points giving up?
  • He didn't give up. He just sucked in chase and didn't do gens. Pretty average soloq player
  • Updated with a screenie of a 4k with hatch gift
  • Same here. I had about 1.4m last night and was supposed to get an additional 1.6m this morning. Hard capped at 2m instead. Definitely want the rest of my bloodpoints. Any help with this would be great