Can't they just change the dog to be like one of knight's guards? M2 for it to chase the person ahead, or to search a further area, the dog will then hold for a length of time if it catches up. The aiming doesn't make sense if it's an actual animal. If it's a dog, and not a robot (or a bow and arrow), it can see/smell/hear…
Houndmaster is bad in a different way. Powers being clunky or too strong/weak is one thing, but this killer's power just doesn't work. It's supposed to be a hunting dog but doesn't act anything like a hunting dog, rather more like a very bad robot. Hunting dogs don't run past their pray because their human's angle of…
The achievements appear to be up finally, but my adept Houndmaster has not retroactively unlocked. Unless that's delayed too it appears I'll need to do it again.
Surely that's why you should have sympathy. The folks working bugs aren't the ones deciding staff levels etc, they're likely terrorised by such decisions. The bosses who do decide such things want revenue stream while the staff want careers & like established players will probably tolerate quite a lot, which is something…
I've been suffering from this too, so many 4ks with 10 hooks + but 1 pip because of this gatekeeper bug, given up trying to pip killer now just doing rituals & playing survivor. I'm surprised they've not fixed this yet, they presumably know about it, guessing it's far down their priority list because it's just a killer…