Yeah this game has been kicking me randomly as well since the lunar event and i first thought the ghost face who was ddosing me but i found out it was a glitch and when i went to report the glitch I was threatened by member of this site telling me not to post about it and if I did 2 things could happen 1. I would be banned…
Explain how the penalty Is working when the game kicks you and you get told by the game itself that you was disconnected from server and not d/cing and your internet has nothing to do with it plus it being known that this glitch has been here since the lunar event. how getting penalized by the game kicking you is…
nice maybe we will get killers who dont camp or tunnel like 90% of them do now
but i thank you for reading it
well you read it so 1 point to me
i play this game with my buddy i play on the seires s he is on the xbox one and we both have been kicked but i get the penalty luckily he hasnt gotten it yet and for me this started during the lunar event and i was thretened by support because i kept bringing up how unfair this is to all survivors and killers and i was…
honestly the tunnling got bad when dbd was put on game pass and it just continued to get worse the penalty has make the killers who try to hide that they are at least tunnling to come out in brute force and not hide it anymore. i do beleve that if this game was taken off the game pass the tunnling wouldnt be as bad and i…
i do play killer and better than those who unjustly camp and or tunnel i have on xbox 4 max lv max prestege killers and i also don't care about getting 4 mans i will acually go around the map hitting gens and breaking pallets for points and hope that the survivor finds the hatch. and not all killers are ######### like i said i…
i should say that i don't know what platform you all play it on i mainly played on xbox cause thats where i have it on and the camping/tunnling is in abundance their. my bro got me dbd on pc and i have had 0 camping/tunnling and this is playing just as survivor all day. i heard its also rampart on ps4 but i cannot confirm…
i am updating to say this as well i had a killer who tunneled me right off first hook just now no gens i was the first one found and yeah i d/c cause i expected at least 30 min since i hadn't d/c but no i get another 24 hour ban? like i said this bug needs to be fixed or the penalty needs to be removed all together cause…
you would think that but i have had killers message me cause they tunneled me all mad cause i d/c on them for tunnling me and i still get killers who do the same case in point the both times today and 2 days ago for the 24 hour ban that i complained about the killer said that i am lucky that he "dosen't know me irl" cause…
i never accuse a killer of being toxic or trash if they arent like if i t-bag after dropping a pallet i expect to be camped and tunneled and i accept that my thing is now killers when the camping/tunnling wasnt that bad is now a million times worse cause of the d/c penalty and in my opinion the only ones who are for the…
yeah obviously not with your comment no it is this guy is oviously one of those intitled killers who think that only survivors should be punished for their trash playstyle
yeah since the dc penalty came in its like killers are now playing more like douchebags by camping/tunnling and like i said in my original post i d/c for the first time after being tunneled cant really say camped honestly cause i just use up all my attemps then die on hook when i am camped on hook but when my teammates get…
i get that but eventually the tunnling gets to us all
you are adorable with your comment obviously you play killer to funny
you are adorable with your message thinking i am the one harassing killers. so keep being funny and responding to stuff you obviously know nothing about
yeah i did report it and honestly i hope they fix this bug cause i would accept the 30 min ban like my buddies got when they d/c my d/c is getting hooked then using all attempts then dying on said hook
i have buddies who d/c almost every match now cause of the camping/tunnling they all get the same penalty 30 min. i d/c once and get 24 hours sorry but you are wrong here it is not working as intended
i will then ty for the link i hope they drop the timer on me though i don't care if i have a 30 min ban that is more reasonable to me than 24 hours ty for the link again doing it now
acually it was once wouldn't have said once if it wasnt cause i only play survivor with my friends i am normally killer when it is just me and i don't dc as killer and i don't dc as survivor but this has been happining a lot and i had enough so i d/c once and got the 24 hour ban
from what i have heard not shure if its true but supposedly he was banned off this game on pc and xbox so he is playing it on ps4 now. again not shure if this is true its what i heard