Imo it just made it look like a buildup to a hype circumstance. Lmao I'm actually curious too, though I imagine you stay injured but still get your 6s sprint
Dunno about that, I agree BL, lithe and SB are definitely better for newer players and dead hard obviously requires experience, but I personally have sunk many hours in this game now nearing about a thousand and have been rank 1 survivor many times and still find this a hard choice due to the general quality of life that…
With lithe I always find myself having to use it on a jg gym which defeats the purpose I think, maybe I just use it wrong but two people recommended so I might try it out some more
I've tried lithe + dwm combo before, but personally I don't think it's worth the 2 perk slots, since there's many ways to juke a killer without the use of them and a killer that is very good at tracking won't have much trouble keeping on you, or if they have gained a hit on you, you will still leave trails of blood that…