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  • BUMP this just happened to me today on Ghostface US Central Had an anonymous Jane that I downed and carried to hook only to get lagged out and penalty boxed. Why?
  • Same way I hit an 8k hour survivor at 90 hours MMR is non exsistant
  • Happens all the time and we just go back to running and running and running kind of like forrest..
  • This is ridicolous. You guys are allowing a game breaking mechanic to continue. 4 Survivors can hold the game hostage and the killer can do what about it? This is not fun for anyone at all.
  • There is all this talk around "seasons" why don't they just lengthen these "seasons" out and make that a competitive mode. The regular mode can still have the bp grind of going from ASH-Iri to have some benefit but Season will have a true rank/MMR match with higher risk/reward than the casual mode. Then next season you go…
  • Ok well this is gonna be super short and super well not sweet. I am a new player such as yourself. I have a total of 275 hours game time played. So far I have faced as a killer and dealt with as a killer everything from p0 to p90. You know what you do if a p100 joins your game as survivor? You sit back and you smile…
  • I honestly think the idea here of traps having a skill check is not a bad idea. Right now it is stupid easy for me to just walk up hold my mouse and pop that trap while you chase my teammate. If there was a punishable skill check there IE getting caught in the trap if I fail because my dumbself set it off on me well that…
  • I don't much care about the last survivor escaping hatch because they hid. Personally if you can play hide and seek so well that I never see you then I deserve that hatch escape in my opinion.
  • This right here says it all. Someone eats the hook to get out of the game and we get penalized in the end game emblem system why? Oh wait because we didn't hit 12 hooks again why? Oh wait because someone died purposefully on hook to get out with out the DC penalty. It's bad enough that Dc's kick our tail now we have this…
  • I have to agree right here. The simple fix to this is learn when to stay injured or as I'm trying to figure out how to do perhaps.. As much as I hate to agree with them "get gud". Get better at looping get better at not getting hit. Widen your spectrum of perks and addons so that you are a harder target. I don't know how…
  • Bodyblocking needs to be addressed. By that, I mean specifically if a survivor was hiding in a tight spot, and then either a teammate or the killer bodyblocks them from exiting, making them unable to do anything for the rest of the match. In my opinion, there is an easy solution to this: make it so that when the 1st AFK…
  • There's really not any if a killer wants you dead he'll goto the end of the earth to get you dead.
  • The only thing people do is report, which also feel kind of underwhelming most of the times because we do not get any feedback on our report actually being helpful to stop somebody that is breaking the rules (cheater, hacker, somebody exploiting a bug, somebody dropping insults and slurs, etc.) This right here. I watched a…
  • Or in the case study I just did you can run in chase everyone down everyone get everyone on death hook then go stand on a hill for 30 minutes occasionally coming off to down a survivor and spin in circles. Once this is completed it's good enough to earn you 2 iri emblems. Like how?? I did absolutely jack...
  • So what I see here is punish the big bad wolf as the hunter for eating my grandma. I mean what are we going to do about survivors coming in running all sorts of Meta perks and just blasting through 5 generators in the time it takes you to find and engage one of them? I mean neither way is fun to play so it's either burn…
  • So hang on here are we discussing the same map? Like I've seen here the saw map correct? 1.) God windows that instantly send you floor to floor including a vaulted one. 2.) Freezer that can if used correctly confuse killers 3.) Bottom floor is a rat's nest maze 4.) Enough pallets here as is to allow any decent survivor to…
    in The game Comment by Ardrillin March 2023
  • As a killer main it depends 100% on how my survs play me. If they are toxic, salty, and love the bully tatics then sure I'll down you and juggle you then hook you right by the hatch but IMO you deserve it. If you play to have fun I have fun I am always up for giving the final surv the hatch TBH often times if I find it on…
  • For me it would be too easy considering I play mostly Pinhead/Clown/Nemesis and have yet to touch the others outside of using them for perks
  • OP do you know how chase mechanics work? Swing/miss Surv blows DH swing and down the surv all without losing more than 2 seconds of chase time. As for the boon if you read your survs well enough you can drop every boon totem as fast as they form them so I don't see why this post is relevant.
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