the argument sucks because i can also just say well thousand of people havent complained about a game breaking bug so its fine and doesnt have to be fixed
well streamers are the most reliable source for example admiralbahroo accidently leaked that the spirit was female and that her power could be countered by sprint burst and both was true because streamers are just often the announcers for bhvr also as i already said bhvr doesnt really announce stuff so i cant wait for an…
i dont think the event was their response as i dont think they would design new hooks gens offerings and cosmetics as an excuse for issues on a 2xbp weekend.
because bhvr doesnt always do an announcment so when streamers say a date its pretty much an official announcment
they wanted to do a 2xbps event because there were issues on playstation the bbq was planned before the issues happened so there is still a 2xbps weekend coming SoonTM
the last patch came out at the time everyone expected it to come out dont talk bullshit dude
source? or are you trolling?
im just trying to tell you that the argument you used is just useless and stupid
the others havent complained argumetn just sucks because well theres propably thousands of people who dont even know theres a new dlc coming anytime soon also with this argument i can just say the next time console gets an update a month later then pc well dont complain we pc players arent complaining so youre just crying…
yea i do see your point but its justing annoying for me since i live in europe so the day was already almost over when the dlc was speculated to come out and just making it even later sucks because i can only play like 2hrs till i have to go to sleep because of school on the next day
teasing is good to some extent but 2hrs of teasing us with something we already know just sucks there arent even any new changes i could be hyped for like if she just got 115% move speed because they laready told us the changes
you would just troll everyone for 2hrs damn dude i really dont want you to be able to troll us
i have been sitting here for an hour now just refreshign twitter this fourm and reddit for anything but nope just a soon i just want to know if can spend a few bloodpoints on my pig
i though the same especially when they made the abilitys the brown common rarity color