I could use friends to play with. I play on PS5. So if you're adding from a different platform, it's Matty0289 is PSN and #e366
I'm not exactly "top tier survivor", but I know how to play since I've been playing off and on since 2017. I play PS5, so If adding from a different platform, it's Matty0289 PSN and #e366
I could use some friends to play with, I play PS5. If adding from a different platform, it's Matty0289 PSN and #e366
you play ps5 or pc? I mainly play ps5. Matty0289 is PSN #e366 if you’re adding me from different platform.
I’m up for it, I also play on PS5. My PSN: Matty0289 Send me a friend.
You may want to add the letters & digits with your ID if you want people to add you cross-platform. Or specify if you play PC, PS, etc. My PSN: Matty0289 I don't know my numbers since I'm not home and can't look, but feel free to add me if you're also from PS4/5.
I'm not "new", and been playing for years. But.. Feel free to add me, because I don't mind playing with anyone. Always willing to help people out. ^.^ I'm on PS4 too. PSN: Matty0289
I'm not a grandma.. Or even a female for that matter, but I usually solo-queue 95% of the time since I lack friends who play this anymore. So I'd be up for having people to play with now and then. I have this for PS4 & PC, but I play my console much more often since that's where all my progress really is, and didn't start…