We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.



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  • Can confirm that some grabs get cancelled. You grab the survivor, infect them, but don't damage them. Happened to me twice in 5 matches so far and it's frustrating as it is rather difficult to hit a survivor with a grab.
  • You can call it by many names auto-aim, aim-dressing or aim assist. What aim assist does, it tries to make the hit center to the survivors hitbox. That way the hit doesn't feel off. The problem is this often moves the weapon into an environment hitbox instead of a survivor thus making you miss your attack which could have…
  • That sounds amazingly scary, I would shat my pants if she suddenly moried me from afar. But gameplay wise i'm a little torn on this one. I still think it would be more healty to still have the chase as it's also map dependant. Easy game on maps like Bloodlodge but good luck on indoor maps like The Game. Pyramid Head has a…
  • I don't think that is a healthy change. If she can walk through them she is basically ignoring the fundemantals of the game. It would turn her into a second Nurse minus the Blinks. Her gameplay on the survivor side will get boring quick as they would have to hold W against her like many killers. Also because Nurse ignores…
  • Yeah my exact thoughts. I think exposing them at full stacks actually gets them to keep Condemn more in mind. They have an incentive to get rid of stacks before not when they are fully condemned. Right now they couldn't care less, because they can get rid of full Condemn even during a chase which is imo ridiculous.
  • I agreed that 20 sec cooldown is pretty strong but you have to keep in mind after she teleported she is a basic m1 killer and can be looped. The low cooldown allows her to opt in and out of a chase and grants her more hit and run potential.