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  • Statistically unlikely. However. Let's assume that you're correct. I was carried by Ruin into ranks I didn't belong in. Now that the game balance has adjusted, I need to rank down a bit until I'm at the level that comfortably reflects my skill. Let's assume that is rank 8. If I was rank 3, that means I need to lose 25 pips…
  • Yeah. But when spawns like this happen it is literally impossible for a hex totem to function as a late game totem or put pressure on survivors to find and cleanse the things.
  • What is it about the game that makes 80% of killers at red ranks use it? It’s generator speed. They get done too quickly without something to slow the game down. That’s the wound that Ruin is designed to bandage. You need to fix the underlying damage before removing the bandage. Fix generator speed.
  • Probably because the design notes describe it as a nerf.
  • So now instead of having to run Hex: Ruin at red ranks not to get roflstomped I need to run both Ruin and Surveillance. That is not an improvement.
  • Attempt 5. Suffocation pit. Three basement kills. The last survivor crawled to the opposite side of the map so that I couldn't get her to the basement even with Iron Grasp and Agitation. Wiggled off, ran back to corner, rinse and repeat. The game was lost for the survivors at that side. She just wanted to deny me this…
  • Ruin is a random numbers game, Thanataphobia is terrible, Dyling Light is terrible, Pop is good, Discordance and Surveilance do not directly contribute to gen slowdown and Thrilling Tremors is not primarily a stall perk. Corrupt is good for what it does. So yes, we need more or an objectives redesign. Because not running…
  • I have to agree with the original poster. Whenever the survivors complain long enough and hard enough, the response seems to be to make killers less powerful; we just got off the Nurse nerf and now Spirit seems next on the chopping block. As a killer main this is incredibly frustrating to see so much responsiveness to…