In french we use -le- for male and -la- for female but when a word start with a vowel we use -l'-. In that case we don't know if it's a female or a male. The Entity (Entité in french) starts with a vowel so we use -l'- to designate it so in french it's genderless.
xD no if a french word finish by ''-té'' that doesn't mean it's a female chara but in french we use -l'- so it means that we don't know its gender. From a french guy
We are two :p
Are you a hag? cuz i can't find that hex totem you ruined my heart with.
My little pony
I prefer dead hard cause it's an activable perk so it depends more on the skill, and i use it more to join a loop spot than to avoid a killer s hit.
The last game i said to a nurse who played very well for a rank 14 ''you are a good killer gg'' and he answered ''######### you''. What am i supposed to do? xD
I don't know why but i main david ;)