I wonder if something in that pic is a hidden spoiler? Maybe the graffiti teasers the killer in an abstract kind of way? Or maybe footprints somewhere hidden on the ground? Way too much theories...
Maybe it's Bigfoot?
And a "The Office" themed chase sound?
Danke für eure Antworten, ich habe inzwischen auch so einiges zufällig herausgefunden. Ich finde, es ist ein großes Problem, dass nirgends verständlich gemacht wird, wie eine Sekundärheilung durchgeführt wird, also wie man die Insta-Heilungsspritze nutzt (Ich habe das zum Glück herausgefunden). Bloß wie man einen…
Ich spiele auf der PS4.
Looks awesome, even if I thought the stature of her looks more like Annas. But nevermind, still a nice piece of fanart!
But why Chris in Until Dawn? Michael Munroe and Samantha have much more importance in the story as the other Survivors, don't they? I mean, in the end, Sam pretty much decides who dies and who not. Also she is the first character to play after the prologue, which makes me feel like she is the main protagonist. When it…
Actually, there was once a bug or a test build where 2 Killers went for 8 Survivors, some years ago. Actually you can see it on YouTube, it's happening in one episode of the let's play by the german YouTubers Gronkh, Pandorya, Herr Currywurst or TobinatorLetsPlay (It's not my intention to plug for these YouTubers, it's…
Nice one. Francis looks really like the prince of Bel-Air!
What a nice Fan Art!
I think, Michael is the strongest and easiest od them to play, and also he is the biggest legend of them.
You got me.