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  • They've had 2 chances now with Dracula and Knight to introduce a castle map and they didn't take it. I think BHVR might just be scared of castles.
  • The only one of the killers you listed that I would say is unavoidable is Xeno. Chucky as well but he is losing his free-hit scamper so he'll be easier to avoid soon anyway. Singularity comes down to the mind games of both sides. His anti-loop is basically a slower, harder to use, less powerful Huntress mind game with a…
  • I could see a similar thing working on Freddy. Give him a variety of Dream Traps and he can choose which one to use!
  • The effort you put into these is always appreciated, especially for someone in a place where it airs at a time they can’t watch (like me!). Now back to the void with you >:) Have to say though, I am really, REALLY disappointed that Jake still doesn’t have a mask. He’s one of the OG 4 and just gets screwed over constantly…
  • They released during the time the devs were graphically overhauling maps. So they probably had less resources to work on new maps as they were too busy updating all the others. And as others have said, they would have been in development during COVID so the resources would have been even less so new maps would’ve been less…
  • Blast Mine wouldn’t have any effect anyway since the killer can’t kick the gen. Since the killer can’t kick the gen they can’t remove Wiretap. This effect was added purposely to avoid a situation where the killer can’t remove the aura reading. When they first added the anti-gen tap effect you originally could apply it…
  • Maybe as an additional effect added to a perk like Remember Me or Fire Up, but base kit it’s too much.
  • The meta won't change that much. Slowdown will still be the best play. The only one that will probably see less play is Pop. The others are still decent. I think it was the right move, the main issue with slowdown was Pain Res and Pop being used together. Now this combo will be less oppressive, even if it is still…
  • They've said before that idea was scrapped and not coming. Built in Unbreakable is not good for the game. There are some scenarios where slugging is necessary (survivor constantly running to corner with no hooks, Sabo and Boil Over teams). Instead they should just give you the option to bleed out while slugged after a…
  • Except the survivors aren't fighting each other and only have to "defeat" one opponent, so it can't be 1v1v1v1v1 because you aren't fighting them. At worst it would be 4 separate 1v1s. And even in this perspective the killer still should have the advantage in the 1v1 because they are competing in more 1v1s.
  • I am glad they are actually addressing slow down, however I do agree that it was the wrong way. It will make slow down stacking weaker which is good, but at the same time it makes NOT stacking it weaker and the best way to make up for that is to stack them. So while it made stacking weaker, it also kind of encourages it…
  • But you can’t use DH with Sprint Burst because Sprint Burst will always activate when running. You’ll never get Dead Hard to activate because you need to be running to use it, but Sprint Burst activates as soon as you run and exhausts you.
  • It still causes the user to be permanently Broken, so I don’t know if it is good or not. Will have to wait and see. Also how are you running DH with SB?
  • Slinger buffs!!!! Finally!!! Happy with perk changes overall. Regression needed a nerf, although I think Pop may have been nerfed a bit too hard. 60 second Weaving Spiders is interesting but hopefully not too short now. Overall though, good changes! Those sabo changes though are kind of concerning. Sabo being powerful is…
  • At this point it’s just a habit for me. At the end of every game I just say gg without even thinking. I wouldn’t take it personally, they might just be saying it instinctively.
  • And Tough Cookie being survivor only despite being based on Trapper is also disappointing :(
  • This thread is 6 months old. Their comment has nothing to do with the current state of the game.
  • The reason you don't see as many survivor complaints about this here is that because the survivors here ARE the ones DCing constantly. Why would they complain about themselves? Anytime this is brought up it's the same thing "it's not my fault, just remove the penalty so I can keep doing it, blame the devs/killers, why…
  • I think the reason they haven't is that he is still relatively popular and his tombstone add ons probably inflate his kill rate so going by the stats he appears fine. He's very outdated in almost every way. He has the same issues as Freddy. Weak power that is pretty much outclassed by another already mediocre killer…
  • Oh true. Maybe make it so if you wait around 20 seconds before crushing Victor then the respawn is reduced or just removed entirely after 30 seconds.
  • I don’t have Twins so correct me if I’m wrong, but the patch notes say that the increased respawn timer only applies when Victor was crushed. Does recalling him also apply the 10 second timer?
  • There is a bugged survivor perk right now that lets you repair gens a lot faster than normal which also hasn’t been addressed for as long. So no, this isn’t some killer bias thing or a case of them hating survivors. This patch is just very buggy. I don’t know when it will be fixed. Next week sometime at the earliest I…
  • ”Hello friends this is Otz, at least according to the Artist’s social media”
  • It will be updated in a future hot fix to match the description. The current effect is the one that was in the PTB, they decided to rework it again but didn’t have time to implement it in this patch. Don’t know why they changed the description this early though, it’s just misleading.
  • They are bugged right now. Victor isn’t meant to be able to be recalled after 10 seconds of latching on to someone, only when he is idle. Also the glow effect that tells you when you can kick him is bugged and doesn’t work all the time, making it look like you can’t kick him when actually you can. Once that bug is fixed…
  • DBD is literally the only game I see people endorse giving up. Any other community would grill you for saying you are in the right for DCing in a public match. I think the reason is that, unlike most other multiplayer games, DBD started off without punishment for leaving and has a built in way to circumvent the newer…
  • I agree that Distortion isn't that much of an issue. It's the fact that there is nothing really worth while running besides slow down and aura, and aura has a counter play so there's less reason to run it and more reason to go full slowdown. They don't need to change Distortion at all really, just give killers more reasons…
  • I disagree heavily. There is way more counter play to a stealthy playstyle than there was to the old chase meta. Yeah it's not exactly fun spending so long looking for someone, but it was way less fun finding someone and knowing that it didn't matter because you couldn't catch them anyway.
  • Nah this is still a million times less frustrating than old DH. I don't think anyone actually believes this is worse. Distortion itself isn't even the issue, it just makes the issue more obvious which is that killers don't have a lot of reasons to not run full slowdown. Aura perks are hard countered by Distortion, other…
  • As someone who hasn't had much time to play lately, Rift Fragments are SOOO much better than BP. I barely made the last rift and have even less time to play now so these fragments are a huge help. I honestly wouldn't mind if they kept giving them haha. I'm guessing most of the time it will just be cycling through the basic…
  • Do you think balance through nerfing is more fun than balance through buffing? Yes. Otherwise we get more stuff like Eruption and Made for This which just makes the game miserable for the other side. There needs to be a mix of both nerfs and buffs. Simply buffing things causes power creep. Survivors had to be nerfed…
  • I think it’s an alright change it’s just the way they did it that is strange. I agree with him that calling this a bug despite being how it functioned for 5 years is ridiculous. If they had instead just come out and said it was on purpose then I don’t think it would be a big deal. Other killers that lose their power when…
  • Only East Wing and the offering were kill switched. You can still play on West Wing. Not sure about the pallet bug, but the other bug where you could trap the killer was only on East Wing so there was no need to kill switch West Wing.
  • I like it still and I think this is one of the most balanced states the game has ever been in. I can understand being burnt out, especially after 7 years, so it’s not sad to be tired of it. There’s nothing wrong with getting bored of a game and not wanting to play. Play something you do enjoy :)
  • ”It’s still a teleport and it still isn’t unique” They are all pretty unique though. The only ones that are kind of similar are Freddy, Sadako, and Dredge because they are fixed location teleports but even the they all function differently But there’s nothing similar between Singularity, Nurse, Hag, Demo, Unknown, and…
  • Is this actually quick scoping or just a visual bug where the aiming animation is sped up? They take so long to shoot every time that I can’t tell. If he can actually shoot right after pulling up the gun then it’s quick scoping, but if he still has to wait half a second before firing then it’s not quick scoping and just an…
  • Kindred, Deja Vu, Sprint Burst, Vigil. Kindred and Deja Vu are just amazing in solo queue, and I feel like playing without an exhaustion perk is detrimental to you so I use Sprint Burst and then add Vigil so I can also use it more often and reach gens faster.
  • Usually only ever run 1-2 slowdown depending on which killer I’m playing and then the rest are chase or tracking perks. Usually Jolt/Corrupt or just Pain Res or Pop. Ghost face is who I play 90% of the time and I typically run Jolt, Corrupt, Coup, and Enduring. I don’t tend to run the main meta build on either side because…
  • I forgot how hard it was to see as the old Freddy. I miss the old effect that played when you pull someone into the Dream World. Not my picture, but this along with the sound it played felt so cool and spooky. I having Freddy feel fun and unique and not be some generic M1 puddle guy.
  • Honestly prefer current Spies since this would just make it another perk countered by Distortion. It would eat through Distortion fast but I like the idea of having a few tracking perks that Distortion can’t touch. Base kit crows are perfect the way they are. The only change either of them needs is just improving the…
  • Huntress isn't fun to play against. Ghostface isn't as weak as people say he is. He's no amazing but I think a lot of people underestimate him and only play him as stealth killer and avoid using his stalks. And my most controversial one - I don't think solo queue is as bad as people say. It's the weakest role for sure, but…
  • I understand this is a weird thing to suddenly 'fix', but it seems like he is making this out to be a bigger deal than it actually is. I don't think it will have any real effect in the vast majority of games. To be fair, this also impacts patrolling gens because Blast Mine removes it now as well.
  • No silly, DbD doesn't have parkour. That was Deathgarden!
  • Yeah I'm pretty sure Peanits or Mandy said this exact same thing last time this was brought up and this is why they will keep it. People DC for the smallest reason and having no penalty makes it ridiculously difficult to even have a game that doesn't involve a DC.
  • I like the idea of bringing back breaking tapes on hit. It would give her another form of skill expression by allowing the killer to bounce between survivors to slowly build condemn and give her some way to stop people putting a tape in mid chase. Helps bring back a bit of the condemn playstyle without being overwhelming…
  • I'm not saying her stealth is good, it isn't at all. I'm saying she shouldn't have good stealth because it would be too much in addition to everything else she already has. She's not overpowered or anything, she could use some changes, but removing the lullaby isn't the way to do that. Buff her in other ways. Maybe I'm…
  • No because they don't have everything that I listed. Ghost Face has an on demand stealth - but it's on a 20 second cool down and can be removed by survivors. He also has zero mobility and no built in slowdown. Wraith has on demand stealth and mobility - but increased speed is not the same as an instant map wide teleport…
  • Yes you can say that about Calm Spirit. People frequently brought it up and it was a fair complaint. Both got justifiably nerfed. You shouldn't have to run Terminus just to counter Adrenaline just like you shouldn't have to run Calm Spirit to counter Ultimate Weapon.