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  • "Holding the game hostage means that one side is preventing the other side from doing their objective while at the same time not advancing their own objective." Hooking is explicitly stated as the killer's objective. You are not advancing your objective when you let people bleed out. Leaving one survivor on the ground…
  • My question still stands, what qualifies as "holding a game hostage" if "leaving all other players in a state unable to do anything to impact the game for 4 minutes, when you are fully capable of winning the game at any time" does not? Holding the game hostage is a reportable offence, that is not interpretation. It is…
  • It is, quite literally, against the rules. From the rules of conduct: "for example you may not: … Interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing a BHVR Service" Additionally, there is an option for reporting holding a game hostage. If this does not qualify, what does? Yes, there are bigger, more impactful problems……
  • There is absolutely a problem with the game: There is no punishment for artificially lengthening a game after winning. Yeah, the survivors in this game were outmatched, but bleeding out takes more than 4 minutes from the last person down, it is one thing if the killer let them bleed out, as that would be ending the game,…
  • I get your problem with legion, but as bullshit as cenobite is, I think he's fun to play against. You can see the puzzle's aura, so finding it isn't hard, its just timing solving it to when he's busy and can't teleport or accepting the chase.
  • I could agree with reducing the generator requirement by 1 if a player is killed before 4th global hook as an anti tunneling mechanic.
  • Dredge is fun to play against, and i'd love to see more of them. With that in mind: - Remove forced teleportation into locked lockers - Slightly increase daytime teleportation speed - Add lockers on the "killer possesion" placements - Make starting a chase from a locker give nightime progress Mainly quality of life,…
  • The dredge is fun to play against, so i'd love to see more of them. Here's some changes i wouldn't mind seeing as a survivor. Additonal lockers as killer's belongings to remove teleportation deadspots. Slightly faster daytime teleportation and reward good teleports by adding night time progress when you start a chase from…
  • You do know you can mend yourself, right? you don't need an ally to cure deep wound Trickster - Just spams their power and you die, no skill, no fun chases, no jukes.
  • While I agree the current anti-camping sucks, I don't believe your suggestion for the changes to anti-camping would be healthy for the game. Increasing the camping distance on indoor maps with multiple floors will heavily punish the killer, as they will be "camping" while on the floor below. The current system simply isn't…
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