I think having the option of a separate sensitivity for aiming on ranged killers would be a great quality of life feature.
I agree that having the option to lower sensitivity during power use would be an incredible quality of life feature for console players. High sensitivity is necessary to avoid getting spun, but it makes controlling power that much harder -- particularly ones that require precision like Trickster, Huntress, Deathslinger,…
I think removing recoil from Trickster would really help us console players. It would be nice to see some of the goodwill shown with the Blight controller fix applied here. The fact that we don't have separate aim sensitivity settings already makes it a challenge to aim consistently.
A separate sensitivity option for ranged killers on console is by far my biggest desire for this game. It keep it at 70 to keep up with juking survivors but it makes ranged attacks feel more unwieldy. If I could keep camera at 70 and lower ranged, it would be a great QOL update for us console players!
I agree, it would be very helpful for console players.
I alternate between 65 and 70 for killer. 75 for survivor.
Was just about to report this. Saw it on PS5.
Happened to me as well, same Jane skin. On PS4, btw.