Viele Survivor sind extrem angefressen, da sie ihre ganzen 2.nd Chance Perks nicht mehr haben. Ich hatte gestern ein Game, wo alle mich bodyblocken wollten. Da ich aber nun endlich mal die Achivements mit den Killer Perks machen will, und das mit Legion, waren alle down. Mach dir nix draus @silversurfer69, einige können…
Soso, das DC'n ist also ne Spielweise. Surv wird als erste nach 30 Sekunden gedownt: DC Killer xy: DC Hab keine Lust mehr: DC Die Liste ließe sich unendlich fortsetzen. Wenn zuviele Survs DC'n depipt auch der Killer, Mal davon abgesehen das die Mates damit ziemlich im Nachteil sind. Mit dem Kauf des Spiels akteptierst du…
Der Timer ist gut so wie er ist. Eine Minute mit dem letzten Generator beginnend wäre ein Gratis 4K für jeden Killer. Einfach "Kein Ausweg" ausrüsten, alle 1 mal aufhängen, Survs kriegen die Tore nicht rechtzeitig auf und Bumm. Die einzige Änderung welche ich vornehmen würde, ist das wenn man durch die Fähigkeit des…
Same here in PS4. Tried IT with multiple Killers. I always got around 16 Points for the Challenge. One time all Points with Legion we're counted (with offerings), but after that back to 16.
Als jemand der mehr Killer spielt, sage ich das Facecamping langweilig ist. Das Problem an der Sache ist nur: Es funktioniert! Ich hab mal eine Zeit den Insideous Bubba gemacht. Und statt das die Survs weiter Gens bearbeiten kommt einer nach dem anderen runter in den Keller und versucht die anderen zu befreien. Selbes mit…
"Du bist so schlecht als Killer" Antwort: "Für dich hat's gereicht" Wenn die Leute aufs Steam Profil schreiben an Steam melden, dann verlieren sie mehr als nur DbD.
Status: Cursed! When you cleanse a HEX Totem, you're Cursed for the duration of 120 Seconds. As long as you are cursed you can't cleanse HEX Totems. The Curse can be lifted by touching a dull Totem, this will become the HEX Totem you destroyed, but it can't be cleansed for 60 Seconds. As Long as you are cursed, one Random…
Once had a "Team" where i was the random and the other three where toxic AF. They bullied the Killer (Deathslinger, shortly after his release) with Flashlight blinds etc, but i was the guy doing the gens. Of course they all had Adrenalin, when the Doors where opened and EGC started, the where all buttwiggly and clicky at…
Facecamping sucks. I think we all can agree on that. When you see them near the Hook, they got chased down or at least injured. If they are already injured: Let them unhook , so the Change places, or grab them for the next Hook. But honestly i've Seen some really dumb unhooks recently. Like: survs are chased by the Killer…
3 Times in a row in PS4 too.
3 Games on PS4 with offering, no additional BP.
To quote one of my favourit German Fogwhisperer: "If you only make it due to Crutch Perks: You're not as good as you might think!"
Some Survivors are Just beyond plain stupid. Yesterday i played Wraith and all were injured before the first Gen popped. I down Meg, injured David tried to Sabo, but i got hin before. Hooked Meg, David crawled under her so i can't pick him up. Before i could even try to leave Nea und Claudette Run towards the Hook. BOTH…
With Spirit and Deathslinger you can turn the Tides when they just stand there, waiting for you. With Monitor and Abuse phase in and Strike em down (ok, this require NOED, injured survivors or Something similar), or Slinger with the Red Add on. When you equip Bloodwarden and have precice Timing you can turn it into a nice…
These are specific add ons for the Killer.
Germany has many Myths and Legends. Near my Hometown in northern Germany is the so called 'Teufelsmoor'. Midst of the 19th Century the was a smuggler called "De Rode Gert" (The Red Gert). He was a tall, well build Guy, always dressed in Black. His right Hand was always covered in a black, leather glove, where only the…
Thing is that Ebony Moris are constantly popping up in the Bloodweb. After a certain Level you've trouble to see Green or Yellow ones. And due to Matchmaking issues Low and Midlevel Killers who got stomped by a red Rank Team will use somthing to even the odds. Personly i equip a Mori if certain Lobbyconditions are met, or…
And every Survivor would exploid it. Facecamping is a legit steategy that punish the Killer. You get no points in other categorys you even lose Points when you're near a hooked Survivor. I play both sides on the PS4, as a Killer Sometimes i'll Proxy-Camp when i'm sure that another Surv ist nearby (tried to Bodyblock me,…
Great Stream. Loved the Samination Part!
As much as i love the Xenomorph, IMO it would be bad for the Game. These Aliens are fast, i mean "Eat my Dust, Usain Bolt" Fast. Depending on the Source 7 m/s to 28 m/s. Thats something between Onis Sprint or a non charged hatchetthrow, not to mention it's climb and leap ability. If you take the Speed away, you'll end up…