Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • I had my daughter in stitches. I had a gen go off as huntress, looked over there and aimed high and to left and released. A half moment later we hear the sound of a survivor getting hit. My daughter asked me to do it again. This was like half way across the map. I'm like yeah right kiddo. Aim just takes practice. I jump…
  • My 2 gen build survivors have prove thyself. I even lurk around 2 players on a 2 player gen to get them to hurry up. Especially on a last gen. Then there is leadership which helps speed up healing, le gasp! How bad are we survivors? At least I don't run decisive strike.
  • I love the doctor! My mom loved Plague so I would play her for my mom. And my daughter loves Huntress, so ditto. But my favs are Doctor and Legion. And I can be a very friendly Doctor, just let me drive you insane. But yeah I had a game where everyone were being dolts and not doing generators or healing except 1. So I was…
  • Yup when I play killer I take out the snitch. Like dude, let me hunt. My now 4 yr old will point out people to me if I miss them. It truly vexes me that a killer will cater to the player. And then carry the bugger to the hatch.
  • Welp Had one where if I was streaming my game I would be sending the footage to be reviewed. Freaking Steve is buddies with freaking Legion. Bringing his killer friend to us survivors and then teabagging each of us when we get downed. Yup... fun game. At least I had bond and self heal so I could see him coming to run off…
  • Body blocking is a tactic that isn't always successful. I've smacked would be body blockers and sometimes they run because they don't want to go down. Other times I have one or 2 new folks downed for me to go back. Sometimes they win and the fella on my shoulder gets free. Well, time to hunt. As a survivor getting body…
  • I played solo que last night. Managed to escape 4 out of 6 games, got my challenges done. The last game I lost because the killer was guarding the hatch and the last couple of gens were in hearing distance and anytime I touched one he would come but I couldn't get to the hatch and he didn't close it. So that part of the…
  • I love the wording! Made me think of my daughter and my mom who passed. Both of them love watching the game when I was the killer. My daughter deciding if I should let a survivor go or not. My mom wanting me to face camp. She got me to do it once with a really toxic player that urked her the wrong way. My daughter cheered…
  • When I play killer I try to get the ones that are sabotaging the game. I had a game where everyone was trying to screw over another player. Okay, they made some mistakes and I smacked them for their own mistakes. But at least they struggled! So would get off. I managed to hook and sacrifice everyone else. I downed the…
  • Legion was the first Killer I got my adept on. I don't find their power underwhelming, just got to learn to read the heart beats. You run around and stab people sure the last one gets a head start on you but you get to see their scratches as soon as you are aware. And there is an add on to help reduce the fade. When I get…
  • So I may be weird, but I like Ormond as both Killer and Survivor. Not had a problem with it in it's format, so can't wait to see how they change it and hoping they didn't block up too many doors or windows. As a killer I've never had a problem with the bigness of the map because I look for survivors where I try to hide. I…
  • Almost every inside map, I get 1 or 0 kills. More 0s. I hate inside maps as both killer and survivor. I see the map, groan and just try and get as many points as possible. Sometimes I luck out and find a friendly group that gets that the map isn't great and I can farm for some points. I had 1 player throw insults at me…
  • Well what rank is Tombstine? I know it's not red. And that is what makes it freaking ridiculous! Like seriously, how fun is it to be a survivor and get offed instantly when you haven't even done anything other than try to evade him? Then you get killed off. Or worse, you e dine a few things, figure hey, buddy has been…
  • My daughter watched a game that took 45 mins to do. I was doctor. And she was beyond angry that no generatos were done. She's 3 and has a concept of the game. So it was literally drive everyone insane as I hunt. The more insane the better. And thank goodness for the fake mes for that helped me find them. But not a single…
  • Took a break because I needed it. Got back for 2 days. Challenges that normally take me 2 maybe 3 games to complete literally took 5 games for each one. The reason, I'm getting tunneled. None of my fellow survivors are. Just me. I first played Yui, and the killers chased me down til I was dead. I had a daily with her. So…
  • As a survivor I've seen this in action. It's why I tend to have self care on because I've come across randos who do not heal. It's worse when they don't do generators. I had a killer twice realise that I was the only one doing generators, healing and unhooking. I didn't realise this until I was onto my 2nd gen and had run…
  • And I've seen it go the opposite way, especially when I first started. Rank 20 survivor at the time, one friend was busting his way to rank 1, the others were like 16 and 14. Rank 1, 2, and 3 killers, oh joy. And look at who dies first? The person who is trying the game out. I haven't seen a higher rank killer until…
  • It's happening a lot on PS4. Playing Killer I find myself randomly teleported to a different portion of the map in the middle of a chase. As a survivor, yeah I've been hit after stunning a Killer or leaping through a window and literally 3 steps later I'm hit and the killer isn't in the same room as me. And it's not…
  • I got my first killer adept on Legion. You just need to know when to Frenzy and when not to. I find Iron Maiden useless, but I like discordance. I feel like Legion is a nice fast character. Though the shortness can be annoying on some maps.
  • Legion, Blight, Doctor, Spirit, and Hillbilly all had zero terror radius. I was working on a gen and a survivor went running by, I say the hint of red and moved then the chase music played as the Legion ran by chasing that survivor.
  • Same here. PS4, playing the Doctor, it was the map with corn and the dead cow tree. And my last survivor. I had to keep repositioning myself to hook her.
  • That was it though. The Claudette, it turned out, had empathy. So anyone hurt she can see. And trying to lead me to them, uncool. When I'm running empathy or dwight's perl, I do my best to avoid others when the killer is chasing me, unless someone offers to try and get the tunneller off my tail. Then that's different.
  • I've had randoms do this to me on numerous occasions, pointing out where I'm hiding. I've also had players try and point at where other players are when I'm a killer. I tend to hit them, hook them and if they get rescued and do it again, I camp them. No bloodpoints for you. I had a survivor get peeved that I camped their…
  • I had a friend who had this happen to him a few months back. Funny thing was the survivor he tried to hook was running around and he couldn't hit her. He could hit everyone else but couldn't pick them up, go through windows, break pallets or kick generators. I can't remember if he was able to use his killer abilities.
  • I remember in one of the cut scenes the a book in Vigo's library was missing when he went to put a book he was reading away. It was Vigo who escaped the void, found the flower, used it to make himself stronger. He hunted killers and experimented on them, the Doctor being one such IRC. He became addicted to the flower and…
  • Yeah, I found that glitch and didn't realise it was a glitch when I was killer. I thought the player was disconnecting due to another glitch so hit, bagged, walked to the hook. Yes. I hooked them. I've been glitched as a survivor so many times it's vexing. And while I'm sad that I get sacrificed, I shrug it off as at least…
  • It is fair, however I hate it when my team does it. I tend to be that person who is running to the gate hot (got the killer on my tail) and the damned thing is at 99 which means I have to stop and open it, take a hit then try and escape. I peeve off my team mates because I never 99 it. It's either all or nothing. As a…
  • As a survivor main, I relay on Dark Sense to see where the killer is when I'm on a gen or going to get a hooked survivor. It's a pain that I can't see the killer when it's one that doesn't have the cloaking capability. Meanwhile on the topic of rescue... there were a few maps where I thought the killer had that perk that…
  • Lol... Matchmaking fixed. That's a good one. Still takes 20 mins to get into an unbalanced game where you are a rank 9 survivor and get put in with a rank 1, a rank 10 and a rank 20. Against anything from rank 1 to 20 killer. Or in the case of my friend who is rank 3 killer, he got nothing but rank 15 and up survivors. He…
  • I love farming Killers, especially on challenges where I'm having trouble doing because either the killer is inactive or hyper focused. I'm always game to play. When I'm playing a killer, if survivors indicate that they want to farm, I'm also game. This tends to happen when I'm on the Doctor, so I make all the survivors…
  • Yeah, it says all players which got me and my friends totally excited as we are looking forward to sharing blood points with the killers, maybe have them not face camp us and tunnel us to death? Would be great. But alas, played a few games today and no bueno.
  • Furies are very specific to Greek and to a lesser extent Roman mythos. The Japanese definitely have their own version of the vengeful spirit, as mentioned above. In fact most old and ancient cultures do.
  • Oh my! Yes, Wraith has been buggy as heck for me. Sometimes I don't get the option to uncloak even though I'm hitting the button to uncloak. It's vexing.
  • I'm hating this map too. I had it 7 times in a row one day, the next day was 3 times with a 2 game break then 4 times. It's super vexing. I'm trying to unhook someone and looking for a door or window to get into the room with them and I can't find one. Theres nothing really intrinsic about the map and the only thing I've…
  • I loved the moment when, as Plague, I got blinded by a flashlight while carrying a survivor. They stuck around and I puked over both of them randomly spinning. Cause yes, I hate being blinded and thought it fun.
    in Flashlights Comment by Caleaha June 2020
  • Made it to rank 16, finally, as a killer. So clearly I'm good enough to deal with rank 5s and 4s. Very vexing. But at least I got my daily donevwgich was to chase people.
  • So, where is the 15m mark? I'm getting darn good at hitting folks at different ranges with the axes. Close range and far range.
  • They should still let us unhook ourselves. We don't get a suicide option when the killers down us and leave us to bleed out. We have to wait to die. They should wait for us to try and unhook ourselves. We get points, they get points if they down and rehook us. Then we die fast.
  • See that would work IF iron maiden let's you know that a survivor went into a locker, not exiting it. I played Legion and my daughter was laughing because I downed like 10 survivors over several games and hit a locker then let them escape. Nope, didn't get the message across. I would walk up to a locker in their sight open…
  • That one and hit people with a thrown axe at 15 meters. Like seriously?! I would love a marker to let me know when I'm 10 m from the killer or 15m from a survivor. I did 3 trials as Huntress and did dang good with my throwing axes but didn't get 2 at 15m in 1 game. Without an indicator how the heck are we gonna know…
  • Oh that would be cool! Find a lost record that char gets the perk or levels up that perk. If the perk is maxed get blood points or shards for it. I can't recall if there is flavour text for the killer perks from other killers that have been rendered to the void.
  • If they ever cross each other on their downtime Oni would recognize the sword Rin has if it is the one from her home. It seems to me that the Entity would give her the weapon that killed her as it would trigger her rage. Much like Oni has his weapons (even if the swords are the same one, they were pulled out of different…
  • I roll my eyes at Teabaggers. It was such a thing when I was in high school and it's back. I tend to target Teabaggers to hook. One or 2 crouches to me is polite. It's saying hi to the killer or going I accept that you will kill me. Especially after a good game. But that multiple crouch crouch crouch... yeah no. It could…
  • I glitched as a killer, it was horrible. I have zero idea what the players saw but they were nice afterwards. I chased one that kept chasing me, hooked each one without needing to work at it. Let them heal each other, glitched again trying to grab a vaulting Meg and was stuck for a bit, they messaged me we chatted while I…
  • That is one of my fav add ons. I've even come across other docs that use it and I just laugh cause I know what's going on.
    in Doc broken Comment by Caleaha June 2020
  • Here's one better. Last game my friend spawned right beside the killer, I spawned in sight of the killer and my other 2 friends were elsewhere together. So yeah, my friend got hit, I bolted. Great start to a game. Next time I'll ask the killer to strike a pose so I can snap a pic on my phone.
  • I want to see random chains sprouting from places (drains, trees, walls) the cellar hook made up like the post that Pinhead had in the 2nd movie with all of those faces. His mori better be skinning the person, twisting them up to become a Cenobite. We could also have the map in space, from the bloodline movie where it…
  • I hate playing against killers that do this. Had one refuse to hook any of us. We all took turns being down and the one person up trying to get at least one other up before getting knocked down. I really wish people would recover when they are down. But yeah we got 1 generator done. And we were all just laying there,…
  • Legion was actually way easier than my first one. But the games of late with them have been all red ranked cheeky folks in double and triple prestige. Growl.
  • My daughter absolutely loves Huntress, especially after I told her the background story, sooooo she real wants me to get her adept. Which isn't easy when I get red survivors and I'm rank 18 going to 17 eventually. At least I got the adept on her second fav, Legion. But I doubt I can get 4k on them again.