I got this trophy on ps4 a long time ago. I got a ps5 and gotta have all the trophies over again. This one is going to suck. Ugh!
I joined when the game went free on ps+ and it was the slurpee generator machines. Haha! So cool!
So, I was able to sit out on two games. My 3rd game was relatively easy and I was able to get adept. Hopefully this trick helps you all. I got it with a gold and three iIridescent.... silver III rank. I played as pyramid head. ETA- One person even DCed
It sucks though, when turning off crossplay and waiting 30+ minutes for a match. 😞
Might be worth a try. I'm going to do it and hope for the best.
Yeah, it's definitely annoying a few days prior to rank reset. Getting all these try hard and bullies just to get an adept. I had them all on ps4. I got a ps5 and of course have to torture myself to get them all again. Thanks for all the feedback in this thread.
Feng! I went all the way with her!