I will say that one of my most memorablen match was with a nurse that applied such area control and pressure that left me and the other 3 randos paranoid of each screecglh. Myself ( and judging by rest behavior) were scared to even come next to generator less we got the wrath. [ We all died but I felt I died most…
Also I would say if i a killer got a great scare on me I try to send a message of it cause they helped me immerse myself into the game (even if for a short while) Hence the reason even if they killed me or not.)
For myself i tend to side with what make it fun with the Score metric just being a modifyer at the end. Though this discussion does really also remind me I wanted to ask a similar question but with addition of what they expect of the other and how they rate them. (I will explain below) As Survivor my goals(in order of…