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  • Ohhh, i get it, and i kinda agree, I really think that the chain mechanic could be more rewarding in some other way, but this is absolutely fair and logical to me (Also, i would bring back the idea lf changing NSP but just a little tiny thing, make the speed only 4.8, since the idea of this addon is making Legion slower…
  • So, now we're getting back about nerfing the stackable speed? Kinda like it ngl, even if 6.0 to 6.8 (or 7.2) could be a little too much, 0.1m/s in speed was almost nothing, and the whole point of the Legion Rework was giving them a way to have a consistent power with a "Build up pressure" by increasing the speed…
  • Does Julie's Mixtape Stacks with Enduring to get a double speed stun? (100% Faster) That would be so funny ngl
  • Why exactly SWS with Broken? I know that it currently has a good place and could only use a change rarity and all stuff But i think that Anti-Heal Addons for Legion are actually redundant and shouldn't exist in any kind more than the Filthy Blade, since the whole point of the killer is avoiding healing manually + making…
  • What if Frank's Mixtape also increases the pick up speed when picking up from FF, just like Fire up, i would say for Frenzy Vaults too, but we know that 30% from 0.9 could be a lil bit too much
  • Would be so much better if the effect stays a few seconds after they mend (10 or 15 secs), specially for Legion Pin, could be quite gamechanging
  • New Idea Adding SECONDARY EFFECT to every mixtape addon, i mean, a Small Buff, essentially making them more powerful than the no Mixtape Addons but also adding more personality to these, my ideas: Julies's: The recharge on Pallets and a 0,2 buff for the fatigue, is sooooo small so wouldn't be a problem Joey's: The recharge…
  • And that's also why i changed the "To A tier" to "Something close to B+ (OR EVEN A TIER)" I was a lil bit insane wanting to make it that consistent, but essentially, these changes, at least right now, would just make them less awful to play, more fun to pick up, and less frustating to play, in a decent spot where they…
  • I am NOT gonna lie, i would love to make a new fatigue addon to have 4 options for chase (This idea, Old Frank's back, Iri and Legion Pin), however, i'm taking the words from Tat when i asked him for something similar a looooooong time ago, i asked why don't just bring old Joey's, and he basically said that if they cook an…
  • [3/5/2024] Collision buff whennnnnnn PD: Thank god you've changed the Hand Wraps addon, don't get me wrong, i would love to see a new addon like that but, honestly the idea of don't get that punished by missing felt kinda No Sense to me, i don't think a 2,5 fatifue would be healthy either, but as a chase addon it works…
  • Checked ;) I reworked Frank's Mixtape into an actual chase addon, and i invented a collision mechanic for the fatigue state, so Legion can actually use the vaulting mechanic for chases. Aditionally, i reworked Legion Pin into an Exhaust Addon, so these kinds of perks like Lithe o DH (Obviously after mending) would not be…
  • The effect of Joey's Mixtape would apply while in Feral Frenzy? If i'm using my power with Joey's and i Break a wall, i would get the full power back in order to use it as a duration addon?
  • It would be cool if, instead of making Pills to set the speed to 4.6, only decrease it (like a -1.2 m/s making it 4.8 m/s) , but also decreasing the extra duration to 8 or even 5 seconds, by this, if the NSP users want to have a longer power, they have to pair it with the list, and if they don't, their power will be less…