The data never lies!
Let's just calm down, the post was about those snowmen, I almost had the achievement if it wasn't for them, I did exactly what someone said up here to do, I had 3 stacks of PWYF, and got someone in the corner, but guess what, they got much faster to a snowmen than to a locker, so that's why I couldn't do it
You see, this is a harmful achievement somehow, it makes us fight on the Tombstone topic, anyway, the thing is that there are also people who dc mid mori, and you don't get it, and I think that's really stupid, but yes, the one who designed this achievement was more evil than Michael himself
Yeah exactly, I also did this post because after me and the survivors wasted like 40 minutes in that game, they say in the end chat ,, So sad, no achievement for you and you wasted all this time ''
Exactly this, yeah I'm sorry for the Grinch part, I ran my whole life from this achievement, I should have done it back in 2016, I decided to do it today and then I saw them going in snowmen and then it hit me hard, the realization... that they're now mobile lockers too lol, it was very sad