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  • Maybe make DS last 30 secs and pause the timer whenever you are being chased, and also deactivates whenever you do something to progress the game, such as heal someone, repair a gen, cleanse a totem. The idea of deactivating when you progress in something is only because, if you are able to do a gen, you are not being…
  • outplayed by the game
  • when i play killer, it happens the opposite, i hit them but like 1.5 secs later they make the Dead hard animation, it looks weird. Once i saw a streamer hit someone with a hatchet and saw blood, 1.5 secs later the survivor Deadharded. is this latency?
  • well, this is kind of an incentive to let survivors see the killer's ping. sometimes when i play survivor i drop a pallet, get hit, the killer gets stunned like 3 seconds later, so i wish anytime soon the devs add the feature of seeing the killer's ping which is more important than the other survivors ping
  • Yeah, the first game of killer this patch, the music was Ok, but the next ones, even if i reset the game, the music is still bugged
  • Just do Math, 85+15% (the 15% of 85 is added to the repair speed) so 85+12.75= 97.75, 70+30%= 70+21=91, 55+45%=55+24.75= 79.75, you cant get 100 speed unless you repair alone or with toolbox (and other survivor)
  • well it's unfortunate that these extremely good voice lines were removed, i hope one day they add them back
  • i can see that you are a survivor main, since i have no one to play would you play duo with me? :c if you want search me in steam as DorsalSpike, my image is saitama
  • Devs, we didnt lose the voice lines, they are in the game, but do not reproduce by any means, ever since the release of this DLC i havent heard the missing lines that BraveClem claims to be absent, so i can confirm this is true, there is no special way to trigger it, it's just not there anymore
  • I want to believe this issue is a bug and not something the devs wanted, in my opinion the hook screams are realistic and need to be complete on each hooked survivor, it's weird to hear them scream and then stop like they want to stay silent of something, the screams may be so large (claudette for example) that the…
  • I NEED those unique voice lines