Tinkerer is an honest perk and fine as is. The surprise element will only work once on good players, less in SWFs where it will be instantly called out. Then people will note at 70% it's active and to play around it / bait with it. Blast Mine will also help survivors loads if they know a killer has tinkerer/pop or…
Zombies aren't op. They're slow and unreliable, can be heard grunting/gargling toward you from a decent distance away, and can be dodged quite easily or completely countered with a flashlight if you have one. Their best aspect is intel, zombie walking at the survivors to alert Nemi where some may be, but even that is…
Yes please.
Cool, cool. Cheers for the intel mate. o/
This seems like half irony and half seriousness. I can't tell which. Nemesis isn't op, regardless. Quite mid tier, his whip has a super long Cool down if it's dodged, and it slows him to hold the whip as well as when he misses the whip. Even when he hits the whip, the 1st whip hit which only infects you gives you a speed…
Devs balance a game around the best Spirit and Nurse players, not around the players who are learning them or playing then sub-optimally. --- Simply because there are more Wraiths than Spirits or Nurses doesn't mean that a respectable strong, but not top tier killer like Wraith should have one of his better add-ons like…
Devs balance a game around the best Nurse/Spirit players, not around the worst. Just because some people are bad at them, that doesn't mean they aren't deserving of nerfs. Simply because there are more Wraiths than Spirits/Nurses doesn't mean a mid-tier killer like Wraith deserves any huge nerfs like removing one if their…
That'd be both broken, and inappropriate/copyrighted. 😅 3 charges of Pop Goes the Weasel on steroids would never be permitted, or fun to play against.
That could certainly bring the perk to life and give it some real use, great idea mate. 🙂
We can live on a wing and a prayer. There have certainly been some fair killer favoured buffs. It's nothing on the scale of how killer favoured the game initially was, but they do still occur. 👌 Hopefully it'll balance itself all out eventually.
Remember to be kind to others in debates, lest they devolve into arguments. It's okay to disagree, as long as we disagree civilly!
I'm glad to have cleared up that slight misunderstanding. 🙂👌
Nope, I want perks that prevent a campy gameplay style where a survivor will evade the killer, then go right back to the same generator rather than to a different generator. There are multiple survivor perks to punish killer camping/tunelling, there should be multiple killer perks to prevent survivor gen-camping/tunelling…
I'm headed off to take care of some things; do keep on keeping on, mate. --- Keep sowing positivity and hope that it takes root and helps others. It's as Jesus spoke of in the Bible, in the parable of a man sowing seeds. Sometimes the seeds will fall on rocky turf, and people will hear the word, understand it, and rejoice,…
We're all only human, mate, entirely victim to getting a little riled up / heated up in the moment when people are barking words at us. --- What's most important is that you didn't escalate, you sought to deescalate, despite any possible misunderstandings which weren't your fault. --- Any form of positivity, smiles, hearts…
This is the sort of vile behaviour, telling others to die over a video game, that should be detected for a ban from the game. --- Using a proper system, mind ye- a system that only bans hackers and the people who spew venom in the end game chat; not a system that can be abused based solely off the number of reports…