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  • I'm excited for this one - Yes it could be mid but there are so many many possibilities for the map, survivor and killer. I'm not too into tabletop stuff - I've dabbled here and there but I know there's enough options that the only thing really preventing this chapter from being a homerun is whether BHVR can deliver on…
  • It's more so a nerf but I feel it makes Chucky more interesting to play against. Doesn't mean Chucky is going to drop several tiers just using Slice N Dice is going to be encouraged more. For those good with slice n dice this is only a buff but I imagine he may become too difficult for those who liked to scamper under the…
  • I'm more interested in what the map could possibly be. Excited for the survivor as well. I doubt it happens but add a Dwarf.
  • Wicked is fine. Going to be honest I run this perk but I've literally not seen a soul run this perk since the chapter so maybe I'm lucky / unlucky. Wicked's main use is unhooking yourself from basement. Outside of that all it does is show aura of killer when you're unhooked. If you're getting bullied by survivors it's…
  • Wait what the hell what? That's awful. My condolences. Found a bit more info online about what she was going through - that's awful considering alongside how they were being harassed for their VA position in DBD.
  • Killers shouldn't be able to see survivor profiles or names while in the pre-game lobby. Same rule as survivors shouldn't be able to see killer loadouts until everyone is out - Took BHVR years to get to that change and this is the same concept. Anonymous mode should hide survivor cosmetics and prestige in pre-game lobby to…
  • I admit I don't care for either Freddy but if I were to compromise between both I would simply just add onto their power to where instead of teleporting CTRL would toggle between two states of the old and new power. Just the difference is CTRL would no longer teleport and you'd have to toggle into alt power mode to put…
  • Personally I admit my bias is I started very early on and that feeling that we occasionally would be given freebies felt great. My personal favorite example is when Huntress and David was added - while to me I don't care for either that update has left the biggest impression on me for this game. I just feel occasionally…
  • I enjoy all these insane theories on how it's going to be FNAF The community gaslighting itself never gets old. Admittedly Thanos one is pretty lit on that post.
  • I feel like for survivors there should be a Universal Exhaustion perk available and for killer there should be a free regression perk not tied to any specific character Past that I feel like we should make all the currently Universal perks more relevant.
  • I understand that last issue of items being in play or not but tbh I just feel that items should be more available in game in general - There should be more pickups and just in general more chest and a variety of items in game you cannot take out of the trial. That way perks that affect items are always relevant.
    in HIding names! Comment by Dustin April 28
  • I agree killers shouldn't be able to see survivor names or even prestiges - it causes too much lobby shopping or even cases where the killer looks for a public profile to see who has the lowest hours to tunnel that player.
    in HIding names! Comment by Dustin April 27
  • I'd like to see a perk for survivor that allows you to use a Toolbox as an improvised medkit or the other way around. I'd also like a perk for survivor (with limited uses) that lets you throw a pallet and if it doesn't hit anything it rebounds back up into an undropped state. For killer I'd love for there to be perks that…
  • I try to play killer and I keep getting crashes and it's painful to motivate myself to keep playing so I'll just wait until the crashing is fixed.
  • I absolutely agree with you - BHVR can't make up their mind if they want to prioritize one or the other. When you make a game where visibility and audio cues are heavily tied into balancing it makes no sense to not have a wide arrange of options to players don't use the excuse to use third party external programs.…
  • Game uses sounds for balancing It's third party software not everyone has access to that can give an advantage based on the description For DBD where sound is used for balancing yes it's blatantly cheating. It's almost comparable to stretched res where people said it was just for looks but it affected gameplay.
  • I had high hopes for this ptb and I'm sad that the Twins rework was a failure but I'm glad BHVR was sensible enough to roll it back. Don't really care about the rest of the PTB for the most part.
  • I agree with removing the middle three options it just doesn't logically make sense - Yeah I get that overall it can be used to categorize player satisfaction per game but there are so many variables on why a player could be rating a game? Liked / Disliked a perk in play? A killer in play? Addons? A specific person? A…
  • I feel the "Did you have fun - Rate between 1 - 5" is absolutely useless because the rating has no context to the developers on why I give it that rating. It just makes me feel like the data is going to be misunderstood or misused if it even is used. You won't know why I rated it a 5 and you won't know why I rated it a 1.…
  • Probably the same one I've ran into.
  • This is exactly why I don't bother - some of them have free reign on YT / Twitch - I can't call them out even though YT / Twitch algorithm is literally recommending their content to me just because it's DBD related. Also all of you replying about them DC'ing prior are missing the point - Who cares if they DC'd on their own…
  • They get banned it's just it doesn't matter because the anticheat isn't full proof and they just hop accounts in less than a minute. I've gotten the same person banned multiple times but it doesn't matter.
  • If we were to get another Resident Evil chapter the only characters I could imagine that would be somewhat fitting is a Tyrant / Mr. X / Super Tyrant or Heisenberg from Village since their power potential is quite high. Past that yeah Lady D may be more notable from Village but she's not really interesting before she…
  • Just licensed skins for Freddy in general and Myers. Absolutely Robert Englund though.
  • Wanted this for ages as it would make Freddy more interesting to verse and would give Freddy players more options without isolating him to one thing in a game. I really don't understand why this isn't a thing already and it really feels like an excuse to pad out his addons instead of just giving him the option for his…
  • I do feel that if you change Wesker so infection clears on hooks some Weskers would adapt by slugging to keep infection because realistically with infection what are you going to do versus a Wesker? You're already slowed. I do agree with you I just imagine that's how people would adapt to not lose infection - It sounds…
  • For the most part I feel Wesker is fine but I still stick with my opinion that I have since he was released and that he shouldn't get killer instinct when survivors use first aid sprays. He has addons to track survivors after using it if they want to tunnel it makes no sense why he also just gets killer instinct. I'd be…
  • I feel DBD is only balanced when everything is truly random with some exceptions. Map offerings remove that randomness for the most part. I feel my personal frustrations with map offerings come from two simple things. They bloat the bloodweb because every realm has a map offering on the bloodweb - I feel that map offerings…
  • Myers and Freddy overhaul - Something added to the game that's as impactful as EGC. Don't really care about anything else too much.
  • Bring it back if Myers has been stalking a survivor for an extended period of time at a distance but as a tradeoff give him a bonus for doing so. I would love for it to make a return in any capacity though - Great tune.
  • Either a 2v8 gamemode or a gamemode where there are two teams (1 killer + unique survivors per team) where it's Capture The Flag. I'd love to see some capture the flag gamemode where the killer defends their teams flag and the survivors steal the other teams flag.
  • With Twins getting changes I'd like to see Freddy revisited for some power reworks on both snares and dream pallets in some way - Honestly dream pallets are so weak that I feel Freddy should be able to use both Snares and Dream Pallets at once. It would make Freddy more diverse with their power and again waking up is…
  • One thing I'm assuming is you can no longer prevent people from leaving through the exit gates with Victor now when they're healthy. Wondering if that's the case for injured to downed survivors.
  • I kind of get Adrenaline minus the speed duration but the cooldown on top of other Ultimate Weapon changes just seems a bit excessive. Don't get me wrong I hate the perk but I feel like it was over nerfed.
  • My honest guess is once Victor downs someone they stay attached to the survivor so that way if you're across map another survivor cannot heal the downed survivor until they forcefully remove Victor. I actually enjoy Twins gameplay so if this makes them relevant I'm all for it - It wouldn't solve all issues but at least it…
  • Well I suppose it is as black and white as I see it but jfc it's painful having my only bit of freetime essentially stolen. Either I can't play for the time I run into these rare situations or I dc and do something else. Normally this doesn't happen but during the event I've seen so many people just blatantly cheating it…
  • Narrow the road and make the buildings more interesting other than "There are 2-3 windows per house minimum" Why is the main focus on the houses windows? Even badham as terrible as it is has a house with a pallet in it. Surely the houses can be more than just windows. Either way I'm glad the map is getting looked at but I…
  • Freddy, Singularity and Twins
  • Neither should be banned but the achievement is stupid. This type of gameplay is all on BHVR not the players. For clarification - This is the equivalent to banning someone for the old school hatch standoff. Both players have the ability to end the game but they choose not to.
  • I pretty well accept it and fortunately those type of players I mentioned are rare but they absolutely leave a stain on the idea of stealth in DBD even though it's absolutely smart to play to waste the killers time. At the same time though I would agree that stealth is underrated - A lot of people don't really do enough to…
  • I feel stealth is undervalued but at the same time it's also detrimental when it's not communicated among your team that's how you will be playing and gets the non stealth players of your team focused out. If you have a teammate that's good at running the killer it's not really an issue if people are doing gens but in most…
  • I admit I prefer Lullaby over Devour for fun factor but you get more mileage out of Devour quicker than Lullaby. Lullaby is still mostly RNG because while it's strong once you get 4/5 tokens a survivor even getting a skillcheck is the issue. It's a perk that can be ignored while Devour can't. I do run Lullaby on Freddy but…
  • If you to showboat a winstreak don't expect anyone to be impressed if you cherrypick your lobbies. I don't know why anyone is going to be impressed by a winstreak by anyone when it's either you and a bunch of coordinated survivor buddies playing better than the average pub game or a killer making games unfun for the…
  • Skull Merchant - Some games are genuinely unwinnable without strict communication against her. Drones shouldn't be allowed to overlap at all for starters but just in general the killer isn't fun to play against. The mechanics of disarming a drone is super cool and the radar is interesting but everything that comes with it…
  • I used this perk for the first time and I actually felt bad using it. The only other time I've ever felt bad using a perk was Dead Hard but that's because it was old DH when it was broken. This perk is actually so useless and I didn't even get full value from it because a few gens were blocked. Worst part is I had to…
  • Regardless of the reason I would agree that the report system BHVR has as a whole could use improvements. There have been recent feedback changes for players reporting which is great but there's still a lack of tools / options for players. I doubt the cosmetics go anywhere but I'd hate to see them restricted in some way…
  • Didn't know that so thanks for finding out for the rest of us.
  • Two types of Traps - One that's good with planning ahead (Current) and a new trap that's able to be used in chase but isn't oppressive. The reason there should be two is so they can be adjusted separately because I feel you can't find a sweet spot just balancing one trap. Without traps set up for a chase Trapper just has…
  • It is a terrible map but I still missed it. It did a lot of unique things first and has a lot of nostalgia value. It definitely could use a huge gameplay / balance pass though.
  • Well speaking from living in a town that has had an arcade with a small theatre sometimes stuff just gets thrown out to be thrown away and is just dropped on a curb. If you wanted a logical explanation it likely was just thrown out and misplaced or mishandled. I ######### love the new map though regardless of reason.…