Not to mention the game is so balanced for all killers that in "comp tournaments" (roflmao) there are always rules like: not allowed perks, add ons and so on... New and reworked maps hare becoming so safe it is literally possible to keep the killer busy just pre dropping pallets like there's no tomorrow. The borgo is the…
So let me understand. He is bad because he wants to play with not meta killers at high MMR. Logic? If I use a bad killer vs a team doing 3 gens while I down a survivor once how is skill involved in this? Some killers don't even have an anti loop power. So NO. Not every killer is viable at high MMR.
Why? It's so beautiful <3
The game is just a cheat-fest especially at high level. You won't even notice it most of the times because they are subtle. Insta-gens while you are far away, teleports to save time and small percentage speed hacks to reach the next vault, pallet. Like the one who fed himself was this Felix who was suspect because he was…
Ok, I understand your joy seeing the representation. However I don't think this is the best game you want to be represented in. We are talking about survivors being chased and killed by serial killers and monsters. I wouldn't like to be represented in this kind of setting. I think this is getting too much attention to be…
I guess the multiple people having crashes since the halloween update. It happened to me too and my pc is not exactly a bad pc.
Not so good killer vs good survivors but looks like a turkey so I love him.
Well... If you want a balanced game yes. I didn't make the game this way. If devs are OK to balance maps with a wider fov in mind for everyone I'm in. I hate survivor camera myself. It's too close to the survivor's back. But I don't make the rules.
It isn't a false narrative. You want a wider fov? You have a perk. It's a balance issue. I would like to have a fov slider too but everyone playing to win would max it out to have advantage over other players.
Are you serious? Survivors can see behind certain walls standing far away from corners with a wider area.
Stretched res is a home made fov slider. Am I clear?
Maybe it's time to get a better anti cheat and actually ban cheaters instead to disable dc.
They can't put a fov slider because it's an advantage for both sides. With a wider FOV survivors can see behind walls and killers have a wider angle to look around. It's not that simple. Stretched mode is infamous for a reason.
Yeah winning most of their games. I would really like to have a Mmr based escape percentage from devs instead of a global one. At low Mmr maybe yes, sure. At high Mmr survivor escapes might be over 60% I'm pretty sure. But the game is for everyone not just the average Mmr players.
So you just want to give survivors a thousand second chances to exploit and bully killers just to have a faster killer matchmaking? Nice.
Too many perks, useless reworks... Too many meta players. I just don't enjoy it anymore. Every game is the same.
Yes please give me attention. /s
I'm not even taking about myself. I'm not a victim here. I'm just saying people should be more helpful and saying he is RIGHT about the excessive amount of toxicity he got. But he just got nearly ignored because the response he got was: you are too weak, ignore them. Ignoring a problem is never a solution.
Ok so let's just insult each other all day everywhere because the world in tough. You know the real reason why this happens? Because they are behind a monitor. I really want to see those scrubs insulting anyone of us staning in front of us. Spineless toxic people.
You can guess the difference between a real life fight match and a non competitive videogame. I shouldn't explain it. However I don't like insults even in those situations. They are professionals. You don't have to insult your opponent. It's just a show off. I work all the day with arrongant people in my profession but I…
Ok. I give up. You can keep your precious toxicity in game. Don't eat it all at once.
It's a videogame not a MMA fight. Do you understand the difference? There is no title to win, trash talk in a videogame is just free toxicity. I can handle it. But some people don't, and it's not fair for more sensible people to have their game ruined just because of some toxic player.
Wrong. In any serious sport match if the referee notices insults from one player to another they get a punishment. So no wrong example.
Sitting here in this thread is making me understand many things about this community. Nearly nobody was sympathetic with the guy who was insulted. The responses are: it's normal, deal with it, close the chat if you are so sensible. Do you hear yourselves? Are you so sure there is nothing wrong about your statements?
Ok so now it's op's fault for not quitting the chat. Unbelievable.
Which they do nothing about. Did it several times. Not a single response from them. There is literally no moderation in game.
Toxicity and respect are not just a forum thing. I don't care if you are my opponent in a videogame. You shouldn't be allowed to mock anybody. Forum or not.
So, let's say I write this kind of things in this forum too... Am I allowed to do this without getting moderated?
5 gens in 5 minutes with short chases. Yep so killer sided. I only face super meta tryharders rushing or players suiciding themselves for no reason. So few funny matches.
Please tell me the op perks killer got in this patch. Are you really telling me ruin, pop and noed were op? Ruin and noed: hex perks, maybe survivors should also look for totems instead of just pressing m1 on gens. Ruin in particulare a very useless perk since its first rework. And pop... a perk requiring to hook someone,…
Name me the strong perks killer got. And please don't tell me ruin, pop and noed were op. Ruin: useless hex perk tied to a totem. Pop: a perk requring to hook someone, going to the gen and kick it to lower the progress of 25%. Noed... maybe survivors should look for totems instead of just pressing m1 on gens (another hex…
You wrote pop 10%, I told you the tradeoff for that was a nerf at pop as a perk. Not too complicated to understand.
Yes, the experience is nearly the same minus the DH spam and the nerfed DS. I can't really understand why there is so much complaining. I still think the same things as before about this game. Broken SWF. Solos are like playing roulette since most of the times there is at least a survivor throwing the game for others...…
Yes, that's true. I swear, every single match I had before the rework I had at least 2 survivors with DH, which led them to waste my time for another minute if they were decent at looping. Now they are just crying because they have to actually be good at the game.
I think in this forum we all know which perks are buffed and nerfed, and the fact every time you list a buff or nerf for one side I can give you an example for the other one explains really well how "killers are now SO op".
I think we are missing the point here, we are not talking about which side have been nerfed of buffed the most, we would be talking for 24 hours complaining about nerfs and buffs and in which occasion, team, maps they could be broken. This thread is about killers being totally op and it's not true. The nerfs and buffs devs…
Exactly. That's the problem.
Ok excuses. Is it all you have to say?
Ahah that's actually funny. But as I already said you are just looking at the survivor side of things. For example that 10% pop... Do you know that pop now is a crap perk because now it regresses just the 25% of the current percentage and not of 100%? Another perk made useless. But you don't mention it in you funny post.
Ok, do you know that while gens are longer to finish the perks involving gen speed have been buffed and with those perks gens are actually faster than before? Bloodlust buff when maps have 200 pallets and semi-infinites around and if you break them the bloodlust is gone. Are you blind? There is always something done to…
Oh yes the basekit buffs for killers. Wow faster breaking pallets action. But let's ignore the bt basekit after unhook. Why do you always look at one side and not the other one?
The reason of those matches is because of unskilled and salty players spamming dcs and leaving you with gens to finish not because of op killers. I play survivor only in solo and I know it sucks. But I don't blame killers, I blame my salty and unskilled teammates.
Ok, explain. I have plenty of time. Your statement is invalid unless you prove it.
Because you are actually good at the game and trying to win without second chance perks. It's the real way to become better at the game and to become a good player instead of relying on the old broken dead hard and so on... The reason of the recent survivor cryout is because 90% of them were absolutely sure to be skiller…
Because you are actually good at the game and trying to win without second chance perks. It's the real way to become a good player instead of relying on the old broken dead hard and so on... The reason of the recent cryout of survivors is because 90% of them were absolutely sure to be skilled players without considering…
I'm not saying the state of the game is as survivor side as before but these threads saying the game is super killer sided are just trash. The game is difficult to balance we already know that because it's an asymmetrical game and the skill of a single person can decide the faith of the entire game. And my experience as an…
Are you really bringing the example of a 4/4 game with a perkless and addonless wraith with 0 gens done and you are using it to say the game is now killer side? Maybe, just MAYBE you faced 4 really bad survivors. Do you think that's the average match killers get? You stated you have 6k hours. So there are three options:…
I don't record kills every game I play but I can guarantee you if I want to win a match I have to play super sweaty and tunnel and camp in the worst possible way. Aka not funny gameplay. my average killrate is around 2/3 per match but just because I don't play every match that way. I don't consider the 4th kill since it's…
You must have been so bad at the game you have the lowest mmr possible or you just installed the game if you face so many bad survivors and therefore you have no clue of what you are talking about. High mmr matches are just as hell as before. Stop spreading false informations about balancing when you clearly are not in the…