Sure I'll play with you. PSN is Elite141nate.
I meant for sale like in Walmart or on the internet. Not in the game. I noticed they had like devil face and recently saw artic ghostface. Just thought we maybe see it in the future.
That's true. I was just thinking it would be neat to see like how evil Jed Olsen is. And I believe the entity would like to show the survivors the tragedy that happened in Roseville.
Hello I'm on ps5. Username is Elite141nate. Discord is Elite141nate#8306
Hello I'm on ps5. Happy to help if your still playing. I sent you a friend request. Profile name is Elite141nate.
Hello I'm on ps5. Profile name is Elite141nate. Discord is Elite141nate#8306
Add me if your interested. I'm on ps5 profile name is Elite141nate. Discord is Elite141nate#8306
Hello I'm on ps5. My discord is Elite141nate#8306.
Hello, if your still looking for teammates add me on ps5. Profile name is Elite141nate.
Hello, I sent you a friend request on PS5. Profile name is Elite141nate. I play both sides and would like to have another teammate!