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  • I only play solo survivor cuz I'm just that, a Survivor! If you have to play 90% SWF you shouldn't comment in this forum because it doesn't become a survivor game at that point it's a mugging. In context of the game, how could 4 people coordinate without the killers immediately knowing locations and auras? When killers are…
  • Lol typical survivor main. Something that makes things fair and equal for everyone is a "Bug". Sorry you have look at your surroundings while gen rushing lol
  • "Easy to loop" says it all. There's only 2-3 killers out of 21 that aren't "Easy to Loop". Cuz God borbid All weren't "Easy to loop" there'd be NO survivor mains lol
  • Lol All this shows is that my initial parady was spot on. Read it and weep/laugh
  • I play both sides actually...and I got the game for free on PSN before this forum was even out. And it's the fact that I've played both sides this whole time that I can justifiably say that survivors are the biggest cry babies. That's why I made the thread.
  • *21 killers
  • Curious as to who the Killer Mains commenting play with... There's 26 killers but somehow 80% are useless in higher ranks. But all survivors are generic and are essentially just skins with whatever skill you put with them. But 99% of the crying comes from survivors. So again, stop crying survivor mains. Cuz obviously you…
  • Survivors flooding a post to defend being called crybabies to justify their whining... exactly what I expected.
  • This is the why it's great that PS only allows your friends to send messages now. I play both sides evenly and when anyone could message you I ONLY got whining or trolling messages from survivors I either killed or tried to loop me the entire time. Survivor Mains are By Far the biggest babies in the game. Always wanting…
  • I meant the match making. I'm 17 killer going against 1,2,5 & 6. Just saying the flashlight was used by the 1 and biggest issue I had.