The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • that wasn’t my main point I put either make active after the last gen pops or put the stun to 5s the wraith has a 5s burn and when you stun him in cloak eruption sets survivors back 30s not to forget when it stacks 90s gens are a thing now and it’s boring especially soloing a gen
  • none of my friends play dbd and tbh the game does feel very killer sided at the moment with all the perks run into the ground do you know how painful 90s on a gen by yourself is just to get it blown up by eruption or or other gen regression perks team mates dying getting tunnelled out camped ect and you think a solo q 3v1…
  • Yeah bro killers like to cry about every perk that grants a survivor and advantage over them when your literally mostly playing with solo players and these perks are healthy for chase and making the game fun for the other side it’s like eruption call of brine and that meta dead hard is a fine perk to be honest and if you…
  • i don’t really care about the end game just with end games removal 3s stun and it only triggering once they might as well delete Laurie from the game they done her dirty af
  • I’m hoping next patch they will with all the solo q changes because decisive strike is healthy for the game I don’t play in a swf and perks like that come in really useful for the solo q players your on about perks that get abused in swf one person on his own is not gonna abuse ds even if the whole team had ds with no coms…
  • If you don’t tunnel you won’t eat a ds it’s that simple and killers like the knight are also making game unbearable with just guard spamming that’s the only thing even if you run away once he gets you I’ve been held hostage from first hook by guards a few times
  • keep nurse the way it is but I would bring billy back I would buff dead killer perks cause tbh I think the game was more fair sided pre all the nerfs and the camping and tunnelling now is insane ds is a fun perk and tbh if you don’t tunnel you won’t eat ds I think dead hard is fine I think iron will needs a little rework…
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