We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.



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  • Well thats the thing, I see killers facecamping the first person they hook till they die regardless of if the other survivors try to help or not. with the people I play with, as soon as we see that its a camper, we just have the hooked person not struggle and stay alive when approaching the end as the rest of us are doing…
  • I don't really get what you're trying to say with that, this is a discussion about facecamping. people facecamping each person they hook.
  • But why are people so obsessed with mmr though when it clearly doesn't work, kills or no kills i'm seemingly just as likely to get up against a survivor with perks from mutiple characters as I am to get up against a survivor who didn't even realize they could pick 1 perk.
  • And what does gaining mmr give you? Can you tell your mmr? My experience is that mmr doesn't seem to count for anything. I get up against as many beginners as I get up against people with 1000hrs+ its pretty damn random.
  • Please clarify this for me? Personally I get more points playing 'normally' even if all 4 survivors escape.
  • Oh yeah I don't personally count it as camping when you're being 'kept' there by other survivors, I only count the instances where a killer had plenty time to leave and go look for other survivors or check generators.
  • I guess I should have specified that I meant camping the first player hooked ASWELL as every subsequent player hooked.
  • You know it seems like you've already made up your mind without actually reading what I write so I guess its no use discussing it further lol.
  • I mean still consider it trolling, isn't the idea of DBD that the killer is to be feared. not continously get bodyblocked and having to play whack-a-mole without getting to move more than a few steps?
  • there was no other guy tho.. they were running into me and doing it without me even hunting anyone.. this imaginary other guy doesn't exist.
  • Protection from what?
  • Perhaps it does look that way. judging solely on the screenshot. I've not even 100hrs in the game yet and honestly didn't feel like i diserved their abuse. They clearly had the upper hand, they just overreached.
  • Yup. I tried to play it as I imagine most people play matches checking generators, attempting to catch and hook each survivor. But they just kept running around me and into then using die hard when I'd try and hit them, basically taking turns. I didn't do anything that would warrent such behaviour so it was pretty clear…
  • Well they were trying to just mess with me, not really trying to do generators. body blocking, teabagging, flashlight spamming, the usual stew of toxic behaviour.
  • Well they all bled out. Obviously
  • Here's to hoping I never reach those hights lol sounds awfully dull. But I guess the conversation between us just goes to show how bad this seems to have gotten that as a fairly new and fresh player I'm also subject to matches where the killer just stands camping the first person they hook. DESPITE all other survivors are…
  • If that is indeed the case then yeah thats pretty darn sad. How fun can it be to stand staring at a hooked person all match and only get 1 kill after a +10min match
  • Just about 60hrs on the game now, played a fair bit of killer now (for my amount played ofc) feel like I'm noticing that even if all survivors manage to escape and I only hook one person once (with leaving the hook to look for other survivors) I STILL seem to get more bloodpoints than I see killers who camp do.. Makes it…
  • As a fairly new player with only about 40hrs in the game and having mostly been trying to play with friends as survivors, killers catching and hooking one player only to camp that one hooked player till they die has really been making this game hard to enjoy. And then when you have a match where the killer actually tries…
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