In relation to the ambush attacks, I made it so it's potential was similar of that of ghostface, since ghostface can go into stealth mode instantly and can achieve the same things without the slow movement speed or without any audio cues but for the cost of a cooldown. And in relation to the RBT'S I meant it so that the…
Your english is incomprehensible and you seem to be very hateful whenever you're streaming, explicitely swearing at people and saying the game's trash.
Let me know if the changes made on that section of the post helps to better understand my idea.
I also got Feng Min without that outfit, it's outraging for me because I bought her because of that
What?, we already have to pay 20$ for the game, we might as well get some free content out of it, plus they have tons of money, and it's frustrating not only because it's harder to get the cosmetics but because the devs have made mistakes over and over, they fix one, they make a new one, that's just how they made the game.
Dude, 20 points is still not enough, Most of the times we won't be able to break lanterns or even hook anybody, so 20 points in average is difficult to get but is still not comparable to the 40 points gain when being a survivor.
I wanna add something more, I can barely ever play as a survivor because I can never find a match with good ping, I think this is because I live in a country where not a lot of people play dead by daylight, but I am sure this is also because of the event as you guys said in the Dev message.
This makes the game more difficult for killers, which it already is.