
+200 hours on the game, by no means an expert and I main neither killer nor survivor, I play both. Should we meet in game, I will co operate as long as you do.


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  • Pfft Kudos to you mate, I had a good laugh at that XD
  • I have heard of Devour Hope (or Devour Nope as Bricky calls it) and Noed, hell, I think some killer ######### need Noed (one of them being Freddy just to help him) The thing is, I didn't see anyone being chased by the killer, granted, I do not recall if there was an obession and I dunno if someone was discovered but the…
  • as pointed out to you earlier 1. We have no servers until THIS SUMMER, it's peer to peer 2. This is an ASYMMETRICAL MULTIPLAYER, do you know what Asymmetrical means? it means that there are roles, for example, the Killer is supposed to have the power role... that's how the game is supposed to work, but the game is so…
  • Exactly this is the reason why SWF exists...... cause ######### dealing with worthless randos when you can play with your friends whom you can be sure they know what they are doing..... Worst experience I had....... One idiot started cleaning totems...... that weren't lit........ we have 3 gens down... 2 left.... and this…
  • I myself Main Nea, the deciding factor for me? Her Perks, they beat Jake something fierce, she has two useful perks, Jake has one.... yeah... Calm Mind isn't as useful anymore
  • Good idea, but you'd still lose progress if you somehow need to switch email.... or if you get reported cause people report you for being good or daring to play the game smart
  • Yeah.... Sadly thats how it is, interesting twists get shot down.... but I agree with whoever said that those games with a season pass are free to play. Yes Zelda used it, but it gave you the promise of the dlc upon release
  • While my first survivor that I got all teachables for was Dwight, I switched to Nea when I saw her perks and she stuck..... I do enjoy playing my Swedish Punk
  • Oh gods yes! XD I feel like Killers blame the game OR the survivors for being coordinated, saying they are Toxic.... they ######### aren't.... I watched a video by "DamnNoHtml" when he talked about the "Second biggest problem in Dead by Daylight" Yes, I get that some perks are strong, however, killer mains ######### and…
  • While my first survivor that I got all teachables for was Dwight, I switched to Nea when I saw her perks and she stuck..... I do enjoy playing my Swedish Punk
  • I'd chock up the killers upper hand to which killer it is... Freddy is easy to beat once you know his shtick and that you pretty much need to fail a gen to wake up and then be far away by the time he goes to the gen. however the Nurse never loses, unless the player have no experience in her. So i'd say the upper hand…
  • * That's completely true, but that doesn't make the killer weak if the SWF group wins. It's a good way for newcomers to learn in game from experienced players, some of us learn by hearing how something works and by doing (I at least learned that way). * Yes, He is arguably the weakest killer but as you say, can still get…
  • 200+ hours on the game, been playing this more often than even the people who got my friends who got me in to the game.... I play both sides, I know how both sides are played. I just get real annoyed when people say that the survivors are too strong cause they really aren't if a killer can get a tight knit group, even SWF,…
  • I'd like to so far thank the people who took their time to answer and did so without attacking me for suggesting changes in a few killers that are widely popular, I kinda only play, as stated, Trapper, Myers and Pig as a killer. As for changes in the Survivor side, I personally wanna see the devs reward co operative…
  • Ah, well It could be just me who only have the survivor side of Clown, again, I don't own him, and as for Legion, I only mean that Outrunning Legion is... quite the thing if you don't have the luck off loads of vault points so you can outrun him/her, or that The Legion player has no grasp on the timing and can greet their…
  • Cheers, I appreciate that your answer wasn't pretty much "You're wrong here's why" but instead used experience and I can accept that. Thanks Shad!
  • Yeah, again, some of the killers I have only played against, not played.... and I honestly don't wanna buy a killer I know I won't play, but thanks for the input Lagoni :D
  • I'd like to also add that I'm well aware that balancing a game like this is a hell and a half. it's basically ying and yang, if you weaken the killers, you need to weaken or strengthen the survivors so that it's a 50/50 thing, but right now, I can't help but notice that without good teamwork, survivors lose every match at…
  • Darksiders, Doom 2k16, Wonder Boy The Dragons Trap, Phantasy Star 4....
  • Sooo you want to be able to prevent survivors from escaping when they pretty much won the match? How is that fair?
  • @4wlight Dwight was better way back when, he was the first survivor I got all teachables for... and well, I tend to roll Leader in my set up, it's still usable, but you gotta pray that no everyone packed that or Prove thyself, killer mains complained that gens got done too fast cause like... 2-3 survivors all had leader…
  • Welcome to the Fog. As for Pig being hard, yes, you are in experienced with the game, but here's the thing, Pig is only good with her stealth, if the killer keeps in mind one key thing, you aren't invisible, it's not 100 Sneak in skyrim stealth. it's pretty much, Yeah no terror radius, but you're still sticking out. one…
  • One thing I'd like to see is a bigger risk vs reward thing for that, sure, it's already a big risk since the killer can see you easily. but I'd wanna see more frequent skill checks the more survivors are working on a gen, sure it would go a bit faster since everyone is nailing those checks, but they could also add that the…