You just care ybout yourself, think about what insidious bubbas went through, the current matchmaking matches trapper playing his first match with 9000+ hours OOO Laurie
its freddy that makes every survivor run into open fields definetely not skill level
Specific Matchmaking was disbled months ago but you clearly see the difference between people camping pallets and not even throwing them and people with ds unbreakable looping you because they know every loop.
For example, I played only freddy once and got the easiest 4k, then i played ghosty and got 1 hook, whe i switch back to freddy, its ok
Maybe after you mori them you put the dead body on a hook
After you diconnected multiple times, a ban can go longer than a hour, if he disconnects once a day, after a week his ban should be 30 - 60 mins
Best help is a working Matchmaking system
I havent watched all movies, but i know that myers killed his sister as a kid, because his parents liked her more and didnt give myers much attention, and after this michael was pure evil and feels like an aura from the mask he was wearing when killing his sister. He reacts very aggressive when near the mask or wearing it.…
I once got facecamped because i spawned in shack right at his devout hope totem, that hag was so salty i endgame chat
sounds great, something that punishes people for rushing hooks like reversed BT
I would DC with this Matchmaking but I cant
That Matchmaking you got worked pretty well, I am rank 10 killer, when I was rank 15 i only played against red and purple ranks.
I think they had invisibilty hacks, because the other two survivors let go on hook and i got pebbled every 5 seconds but there was clearly no one in my terror radius. Once in the game I saw a claudette that vanished mid chase.
And matchmaking is at its finest too tho (best round I got)
I just want a button to enable MMR I was the only person where it worked
If there are 4 p3 claud flashlighth clicking and T-baggin because they have 500+ hours in game and can easily infinity loop me i rather waith 30 mins instead of ep pz lemons squeezy noob killer lol get rekt mf git gud ez ez ez ez ez ez ez (picture shows best game I got this week)
Dabei gibt es aber auch probleme mit Zweitaccounts, wenn leute einen Account mit Rank reset und Dc´en depipen und damit Das SWF deranken
Das war ne Runde wo es sogar Halbwegs funktioniert hat!
Wenn man als Rang 15 Killer von Red-Rank SWF´s gebullied wird ist Dc´en halt schon OK
Es gibt Wände wie die von Jungle-Jims die 1mm Löcher zum durchschiessen haben, aber wenn sie durch Wände oder Bäume schiessen, ist der Ping einfach hoch
Mir wurde mein Account gehackt und ich wurde als Killer Main vom Hacker auf rank 1 gebracht und musste dann erstmal fröhlich depipen