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  • You are ignoring the words of the creators. Like I mentioned earlier we are limited with the information we have and this is something they said in behind the scenes, which have not been mentioned for any other characters, check the videos if you want. Only thing we can do is wait till we get more information added to the…
  • shrug the devs are the ones who mentioned this in behind the scenes. Unlike them we are limited to the information we have. Talbot is not 100% gone because its hinted he is still within the Blight, he is just deeply buried. Before the Entity took Talbot it spoke to him, and he also came face to face with the Entity. Talbot…
  • Nop, the devs were very specific with Felix and Blight as they have mentioned them being very close to the Entity, which is something they didn't do with any other characters.
  • Well, it is just some ideas, I'm sure someone has better ones. We would be lucky if they decided to add Talbot as playable character or continue his story after he became Blight. At least we know they will tell us his story from before his transformation, when he was traveling the realm.
  • Lol! That why I'm not on the dev team. You still need to aim with the potion like how you do with flash light so if you missed you lose that chance and have to wait for the CD. Maybe change Alchemist to stay at 60sec CD and just increase the duration from 1.5/2/3sec. Trying to keep it less powerful than a flash light. For…
  • Can think of some that go with his lore and personality. Forbidden Knowledge: On your last hook instead of being sacrificed you will be put into the struggle phase. The timer will be half the time of the original struggle phase. Alchemist: You throw a potion at the killer stunning them. The stun time is less than the flash…
  • We are getting that, the devs said in behind the scenes they are going to show what he was doing before he transformed and will use him to explore the areas in the realm he visited. They will also use him to show us what the Entity could be because he studied it.
  • Lorewise without going into the multiverse, they can easily use the same character as a survivor thanks to the way they built Talbot as a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde kind of character as they mentioned, and also because he was originally taken by the Entity as a survivor. He transformed while in the realm because the Entity…
  • Correct, physically Blight is the strongest and the serum is what made him able to capture the killers and be able to enter their areas. This was confirmed in one of the Halloween notes when he mentioned the rat he injected the serum into bites him and later a killer (Trapper) attack him, and he was able to over power and…
  • He may have used the same materials he used for the serum that was mixed for the killers. They were written on the injection, copper was one of the materials. Compound Thirty-Four is definitely the last he created because it is mentioned as such and it is what mutated him and turned him into a feral beast. Would be…
  • Just because the color is yellow it doesn't mean there is pustula in it and if it was made from pustula it would be in the description but it's not. Lorewise the serum is meant to be created in a certain way. Only Vigo know the correct way and Blight learned that from Vigo journal. He is the only one who have the journal…
  • You cannot write fan theories or fanfictions without the original story. That's what the fan part of those words mean. There was close to nothing about most of these characters' personalities, nor were any details about the events provided originally. We barely had information and the only way of getting any clue about…
  • Just check her original lore. What have been used for the tome is from there. Some are just upset because they wanted their theories to be canon but were proven wrong and they also ignored what already have been written in her original lore.
  • The Devs stayed true to the Nurse lore, they didn't change anything about it. In her original lore she joined the asylum because she had to, not because she wanted to help people. The idea of purification have been mentioned there as well.
  • They are meant for advertise only and they have done this many times with the short teaser for their trailers as well.
  • Canonically there will be non because the Entity wipe their memories clean after the trials, doesn't matter if they escape or not.
  • Blight have a bug that made half his 1st person model to be buried in the ground, which caused the low POV and the only way to fix it is to rebuild his model and redo all the animations, which the devs said it will take some time. Fun fact: Blight model when standing to his full height is taller than Trapper and Myer.
  • Talbot affected the realm by impacting the trials thanks to his experiments on the killers when he was trying to find a way out. It is hinted that he may have helped survivors by giving them the serum addon they used during Halloween. Talbot was able to keep himself outside the trials later and visited the void and many…
  • Trapper was tortured like some of the other killers. Entity tricked the Plague like it did with many others. Twins were wanted because of the way they looked and the cult just wanted to sacrifice them cause of that. The only time Elodie run into them was the time she almost got killed and was taken after by the Entity…
  • We shouldn't look at things as black and white. Survivors are not that innocent. For example we are told survivors did kill another survivor in the realm because he kept screaming and they wanted him to shut up so the killers wont find them. They will do everything they can to survive. What Vigo did is because he wanted to…
  • They already created the main characters for DBD. Felix and Talbot are the main characters. They give them the special treatment and linked them to the Entity and everything in the realm. Felix theme is also about hope and never giving up. They also mentioned in behind the scenes that these 2 do have an effect on the…
  • One of the devs said when they put the camera in the killers head the player couldn't see the survivors very well because the camera was so high so they moved the camera from the head to the chest to let the player see better.
  • Vigo notes show us he did not come to the realm willingly. Same for Talbot, he was tricked to get into the realm like Felix when the Entity used their desire against them and then woke up with no memory of what happen. Talbot desire to learn/explore and Felix desire to find his father.
  • The monks are the same Entity cult that wear the black clocks.
  • His power description says the serum is what gives him his power. Him needing to inject it in himself to recover energy makes sense and also because this is something he did as a survivor when the serum lost its effect/power on him when he was using it to help him capture the killers before the Entity drove him mad and he…
  • It's Trapper, his mask may have looked like it has a 'mechanical mouth' to Talbot. Talbot mentioned the killer that attacked him previously showed up again and he had a fight with him. He then chained that killer and we see the Trapper in the cut scene after.
  • Blight is mid thirties. (1838 graduate) (17-18 year old but going with 17) 17 + 7 years with the company + joined the 1st opium war (1839 - 1842) =24 (1846) + 10 into the start of the 2nd war(1856)= 34 + 4 if he stayed till the 2nd war ended (1860) = 38 year old but since he was kidnapped while the war was still active he…
  • Interesting, but doubt what's in the needle will be enough to cover for a 'blood loss' after he done sprinting if that is the case, which I think it is not because his body is always releasing the serum and he don't seem to have a problem with. Most likely it is to boost his abilities temporarily when in trials as the OP…
  • All the points you mentioned are acurrate. It is likely to keep Talbot from 'waking up'. Talbot is not completely gone and is just buried within the Blight, so this could a way to keep Talbot from gaining back his mind and remembering who he was because right now he has absolutely no consciousness of his past self. The…
  • I'm guessing we may get these stories on Halloween since it become his theme. I think the stories we will get are from before he mutated into Blight because he had his mind and memories back then. I want to know if the serum he created can lose its effect on him slowly. The more he uses it, the more his body builds up a…
  • The event in the tome is mental so he may or may not mutate by the end of it. If he mutate first time by the end of the tome: The 1st mutation was because of the Entity forcing the nectar into his body and since that was the nectar in its pure form without it being modified the effect wore off for the first time after the…
  • They didn't specifically hunt for Charlotte and Victor, the twins were one of the many targets for the hunters. They sold them later for the Entity cult and it must be something they have done many times cause of profit. The cult stuff has been around for a while, but they didn't go in depth with it till they added Felix…
  • That was a joke.
  • Thanks to her Felix and Co were about to be taken by the Entity first time cause she finished one of the drawings on the walls. I think Felix wants nothing to do with her cause of that and let's not forget how she didn't help King and is the reason the killer know their location cause she was searching the chest and making…
  • He should be in his mid thirties.
  • Talbot experimented on many killers so we will still get blight skins for all of them new and old. You can think of it as them getting infected because Talbot did that before he mutated, which I think is what they are going with for the story. Storywise, they just finished telling us how Talbot mutated into The Blight. The…
  • They really should release a list with the infos they are willing to share and we need a lore stream.
  • You don't become a killer when you lose all hope/emotion. The Entity get rid of you and throw you in the garbage bin AKA the void.
  • I'm with you about the mental thing. Was explaining the physical changes because the Entity changes too during it is yearly blight and it make sense because the flower he is using is from the Entity. I see Talbot and Blight as different characters (other skins description point to Talbot real self being deeply buried in…
  • Blight form change to True Blight because the Cankers blossom within him, the Cankers turn into Pustulas during the Entity yearly blight but it dies after the event is over. The serum in Blight veins reacts during the event and turn him into True Blight, but he goes back to being normal Blight after event end like how it…
  • The Archive cut scene is a mental thing and it shows what's going on as the serum is taking over his mind slowly but surely, turning him into a feral monster. Talbot lives through the pain he has brought, he suffers from his guilt, and the ruin brought by his ambition. The pit of corpses is Talbot trying to escape the…
  • Even if they make tomes about them it doesn't change the fact these characters are just guest characters that have their own story done already and in canon they don't really have any connection to DBD story.
  • Talbot wouldn't work as a killer because he didn't want to kill like most of the killers. He wanted to help humanity, but end up with the unintentional deaths of many. He only experimented on enemies (war is not black and white) and felt guilt over the deaths he caused unintentionally and had nightmares over it. He even…
  • Of course he did. Just saying some of the stuff he have could be something he got on his own.
  • Talbot could have got the Plague Bile when he captured killers because he experimented on them. The crushed up bits of Rose could be something he originally had because he was a survivor and survivors had the New Moon Bouquet as an offering. He couldn't create the same serum from Vigo's journal because it had some of these…
  • Not canon. The devs can't do anything with them when it come to story. They are here for gameplay because they are well known.
  • I don't mean having him as a survivor because the Entity decided to exploit timelines somehow, I doubt it can be done. The devs said the idea for him is Jekyll and Hyde. Talbot (Jekyll) is still in there trying to break free from Blight (Hyde). They can either make him get help or make him free himself (going back to…
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