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  • The ones in canon with the direct link to the Entity are Felix and Talbot/Blight. Devs mentioned both have an effect on the realm as well. Talbot was only able to travel the realm because he kept himself hidden from the Entity. He also was able to harness and use part of the Entity's own power and he did all that before he…
  • Killers being willing and unwilling from the damage on their bodies is canonical.
  • It was stated that none of the survivors were supposed to be truly good people. Survivors were all meant to be flawed in some way or the other, they are not that innocent. For example we are told survivors did kill another survivor in the realm because he kept screaming and they wanted him to shut up so the killers won't…
  • She laughs when she hit the survivors, so she could be enjoying it and view it as art. Like how she saw the death of the man as a piece of art. Someone pointed out there are no crows in South America. After reading her story I believe the crows were sent by the Entity and was keeping an eye on her cause it sensed the…
  • Focusing on the original only. Damaged: Trapper, Wraith, Blight, Nurse and maybe Hag if the runes she used are not what transformed before she was taken. Plague was diseased before she was taken and Spirit cuts were received from her father, so these two are not damaged.
  • If the killers are unwilling you can tell from the damage to their body. Killers without damage are killing willingly. The Artist doesn't have any damage on body other than from being tortured when she was kidnapped by the man and was given paint/ink as a weapon. Her story feel similar to the Spirit story with how both…
  • Devs mentioned cosmetics are not canon. The only canon skins are the default and the killers blighted skins because it canonically connects to Blight lore.
  • None worked with Blight when he was experimenting, he worked alone while trying to find a way out of the realm by creating and using different types of serum. The Entity couldn't get Blight because he kept himself hidden after finding Vigo's journal and he may also have used part of the Entity's own power to help with that…
  • Canonically survivors lose a little bit of their soul with each death. When they lose all hope, they become useless to the Entity and it put them in the void. Any survivors that is mortally wounded and 'die' during a trail or after escaping will be revived by the Entity, but it also erases their memories clean and relocate…
  • They either move to the next trail immediately after or may just get moved to their own areas after a trial is ended because canonically killers are not kept together, each of them have their own areas they are kept in separately.
  • Devs said cosmetics are not canon. The only canon skins are the default skins and the blighted killers skins because it canonically connects to Talbot/Blight lore. They also said there is only 1 of each characters in the realm. Since the Entity favor some of its food it may just wait till one character is in the void then…
  • They can keep Blight around for gameplay or separate Blight and Talbot, and we end getting both Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the serum can be used as the reason for that.
  • The serum is what gives him the strength to capture the killers and he later was able to harness and use part of the Entity's own power, devs already confirmed that. Talbot was a survivor and he was hunted by the killers in the first Halloween event story. This is part of the Hallowed Blight Journal. They really should…
  • Tell the devs that, they mentioned that on a stream and a tweet that the blighted event and the story for that event ended when they turned Talbot/Blight into a mindless monster. Any stories we get for Talbot/Blight will be a prequel not a sequel (unless they say otherwise) and any blighted skins we get for the killers is…
  • The Entity didn't stop having the yearly blight. We are not getting the event because Talbot/Blight mutated into the mindless feral beast and is no longer around to experiment with the blight. If we get Talbot back somehow we may get another event cause the main reason he will keep experimenting with the blight is to find…
  • The Entity need to undergo a purge because the blight make it weak and the yearly purge has been mentioned in Vigo's journal. The Entity is still dealing with the yearly blight it's not gone. The main reason we are not getting a blighted event because Talbot mutated into a feral beast and is no longer around to experiment…
  • They didn't add a memory 1751. Don't focus too much on the numbers, they are always random.
  • They are not normal crows, they are part of the Entity. Everything in the realm is part of the Entity.
  • I meant the devs not being in control of licensed characters and how the owners of Stranger Things are removing them from the game.
  • I really wish it was this easy I mean look at what happen with Stranger Things.
  • No it's not canon to the main series the characters are from and the bios/archives stories stories for these characters are no different from fanfic. Licensed owners allow the devs the creative use but they do not canonize whatever being made.
  • The devs said cosmetics are not canon.
  • Talbot WAS part of the trails but after he found Vigo's hidden lab he was able to keep himself out of it cause of the information he learned from Vigo's journal and the serum he created, we already have a conformation on him being out of trails and visiting other areas in the realm none else can go to from the devs. There…
  • Talbot/Blight was able get into the areas each killer is kept in because of the serum. The serum also helped Talbot stay outside the trials and the Entity couldn't detect him. Cosmetics are not canon, the only canon skins are the blighted skins. There are no other versions of Talbot/Blight and the reason he has different…
  • Teachable are gameplay only. Canonically survivors lose their memories after each trial and killers are kept separately in their own areas. Talbot/Blight was able to capture the killers before his mutation because of the knowledge he gained from Vigo's journal and the serum he used, which allowed him to access areas none…
  • 1: Talbot/Blight was able to capture the killers because of the serum he created, which he learned about when he discovered Vigo's hidden lab while running away from a killer and in it, he found Vigo's journal. He learned from the journal that he can escape the realm using the Cankers when it blooms into Pustulas and that…
  • Talbot become a killer because of what he have done and the Entity needing a way to control him, not because he lost hope. All survivors who become empty husk are thrown in the void. Killers are killers because they lost their humanity and made a choice and are willing to kill, which have been mentioned in a stream.
  • If survivor loses all hope they are put in the void (trash bin), they don't become killers. Talbot/Blight become what he is now because the Entity took advantage of his addiction and corrupted him, turning him into a feral beast. To turn him into a killer the Entity tortured and destroyed his memories of his past self to…
  • Duality is the reality of this world. They are written as human beings and not the perfect Mary Sue just cause they are the 'good guys'. It was stated that none of the survivors were supposed to be truly good people. Survivors were all meant to be flawed in some way or the other, they are not that innocent.
    in Good or evil? Comment by Gruo July 2021
  • The reason why he has different outfit in the archives is because they didn't finalize his design back then and he was meant to be a different character (Benedict Baker) but they changed it. On a stream one of the devs mentioned how they wanted to show how Talbot become the Blight in Doors Unknown and there was no mention…
  • So far no for both but that idea make sense because of the way they built the character and the skin description does point to Talbot still existing within the Blight. The devs wanted Blight to fit the idea of a man reduced to a mindless, wild monster that goes feral and bumps into things. Him running into walls and…
  • It's no difference from what the Entity have done with other survivors, each survivor were taken in a different way that affect them personally and there is nothing weird about it. Yui had a conflict because of the choices she made and Entity used that. If I'm going to follow your idea then the Entity targeted Felix twice…
  • They will just die. Same with the killers who are dead like Spirit and Hag.
  • Why are so focused on 'special'....? Felix like Talbot is very close to the Entity if you want to see this as 'special' then fine I guess. Kate just run into an area with a ruin, which anyone can be there. Yui was kidnapped by the Entity and was shocked when she saw the Oni first time, I mean its not normal to run into…
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