Feels pretty good to get a 4K on Eyrie or Badham, so yes.
Anytime someone gets mad that I’m in anonymous mode, I assume it’s because they wanted to say a bunch of slurs on my Steam profile. Too bad so sad, angry little guy!
Remember when survivors kept complaining about being slugged even though every survivor had basekit infinite Unbreakable? Hilarious.
Run Lucky Break, seriously. A lot of killers overly rely on blood and scratch marks for tracking. I escape my first chase like 80% of the time, and if I can get a heal fast enough, I can usually manage another. Lucky Break is a major contributor for my survivability. e: my go-to survivor build is Lucky Break, Kindred,…
I played 9 games of solo queue last night. I died once, then escaped 7 times in a row, then died on my last game.
The last iteration of 2v8 was laughably survivor-sided in an effort to “fix” the queue times, and it didn’t fix the queue times. So I can imagine things are going to be pushed even further in that direction in the next iteration, so no, it’ll be even less balanced.
don’t queue up for DBD if you’re not willing to play DBD 🤷♂️
Also my conspiracy theory is that the Artist was 100% supposed to be Candyman (artist with limbs cut off that sends swarms of something to attack people), and had to pivot to Crow Lady when they either couldn’t secure the license or lost it during development.
If a self-unhook has a 4% chance of happening, that’s 1-in-25. If everyone is on hook and trying all three attempts, that’s 12 attempts out of 25. If you had two games like that in a row, you’d essentially expect to see one self-unhook. I don’t think there’s any special mechanic for it, I think it’s just how the math works…
I’m experiencing the same thing.
A fix for auto-aim throwing my attack into a goddamn wall
individually slugged without the killer going for a full slug strategy? Maybe once a month. Slugged by a full slug strategy killer? Like once every six months. Last time was back in early November.
I played a decent amount of Deathgarden in both roles and in both iterations and for me the fatal flaws were: In the first iterations, scavengers could stunlock the hunter for so long it was basically impossible to play. The stunlocking was removed in the second iteration. However, In the second iteration, there was no…
IIRC, one of the Evolve devs blamed that game’s failure on 2K not allowing them to patch more often than every six weeks. He said they often had fixes for bugs within 24 hours of reporting, and then had to sit on them for a month and a half, watching the bug ruin the game for people for that whole time. I loved Evolve and…
Mine seemed about what I expected. Most played was Leatherface and Nea. I was a little surprised Myers wasn’t #1 but I suspect it was close. And this was the year I got Nea to prestige 100 because she’s a cool gay skate punk. I played survivor about 60% of the time (and it’s always solo queue, since none of my friends…
lmao ok
I’d use a map cancelling offering and bring gen slowdown perks, while switching to a higher tier killer. Also I have pretty serious doubts anyone is going against pure slugging builds “every match they played.”
DBD is a pvp game. Demanding your opponent not try their hardest to win is absurd.
Lightborn is the way, my friends!
I just run Lightborn on every build and laugh maniacally at people failing multiple flashbang saves every game.
Xenomorph. The tail attack still feels terrible to use, and I just end up frustrated by the end of the game. Alien is one of my top movies, and every time I play Xeno just makes me sad.
filling up the killer complaint bingo card fast these days
I don't think I caused anything, to be frank.
In general, my response would be "why should they be forced to hook you?" I do think there should be a vote concede option for survivors so the game can just end in this situation, and it'd be nice if the game just detected it and ended it immediately, but ultimately, it's not the killer's job to make things nicer and more…
Well, the survivors will be dead soon, and the killer will win.
Very sad when killers don’t play how survivors want them to play.
1.9.2 when they removed all timing from flashlight and pallet stuns. Thanks goodness they immediately reverted it.
Most likely nerfed
Agreed, killer powers should buff survivors instead of benefitting the killer. Knight’s power already does if you get the banner, but it’s not beneficial enough for his opponents, I guess.
Is there anything survivors WON’T complain about?
ah yes very killer sided maps like Garden of Joy or Badham Preschool or Eyrie of Crows.
Burn a meat plant offering, then you’ll have nothing but god pallets from end to end.
The Entity should punish survivors for working on generators.
You guys will complain about anything.
Why is it the killer’s responsibility that the survivor has “the opportunity to play the game”? Sure sounds like survivors want free escapes.
The double standard is so blatant. Killers have an OBLIGATION to play inefficiently and bad to ensure that survivors have a fun time (which is the sole responsibility of killers for some reason), but survivors have no such obligation the other way. Tunneling is UNFAIR and TOXIC and OVERPOWERED but survivors genrushing to…
I see what you’re saying but I think that case is a little different, in that it’s not Mage Hand that’s hurting him, it’s the pallet after being reset. Whereas with Freddy it’s his own dream pallet hurting him. I guess maybe it’s not a practical difference. I just look at it and think “why would I use a power that can hurt…
It’s pretty silly for a killer’s own power to be a negative against them.
pretty wild to see which techs are Bugs That Must Be Fixed and which are Valid And Necessary Counterplay
Both sides should have a concede option (with voting for survivors) that enables after the first five minutes or so (so it can’t be abused to immediately concede if someone just doesn’t like the map/killer/etc).
”[NEW] The Nightmare can now teleport to completed, blocked, and endgame Generators, as well as any Survivor healing in the Dreamworld. Dream Projection on a healing Survivor will teleport The Nightmare within 12 meters of their position. Upon completing a teleport, Survivors within 8 meters will be revealed with Killer…
I hadn’t heard of that formula for games where draws are possible, but it seems like a commonly agreed on way to calculate win rates with draws. Thank you for adding that, I think that’s a good contribution!
Since survivors hate slugging so much I would’ve thought having copious hooks available to encourage hooking would be a good thing?
I care about their fun exactly as much as they care about mine, which is to say not at all.
very unfair for killers to have any perks that are good or useful
Honestly a lot of issues can even be traced back to the UE4 update from years ago. That broke a lot of stuff that never REALLY got fixed (like sound occlusion) but only sort of work in a way that we’re just used to now.
I mean let’s not pretend that survivors don’t frequently DC for the pettiest of reasons; it’s not always the killers playing in an unfun way.
This was my first thought too. I know the Unreal engine can do some pretty wild stuff with changing player orientation, so having a map that twists the floor around into a spiral (or maybe has a non-Euclidean layout like the Ashtray Maze) would be pretty great.
Good call, agreed