Thank you!
I was there for it, lmao. Breakable walls kinda ruined that patch for me. Nah. When there's 2 roles in the game and the game favors 1 side more than the other, there's an issue. And that's an issue which needs addressing.
Thank you for getting back to me!
What reason would they have to remove the lines, though? Because 'he came'? Isn't Pinhead a BDSM demon?
I'd actually get a lunge?? That's incredible! It's almost like it should be a base feature or something. Weird how he's the first Killer without one, huh?
I got Coup & Oppression on mine; no sign of Hoarder when I want it.
Sounds like DBD matchmaking. I do enjoy having to do Gens whilst the Claudette finds one of the corners of the map to Self-care through Sloppy. I mean, I don't know how good my survivor is, but I do know I never had teammates this bad when I was Rank 1. :)) Honestly, I think if everyone was reset to 16 as an average, that…
I'm playing handheld, and it's on max brightness. I feel that; I can't see anything on MacMillain; genuinely surprised they didn't bother to put in Graphics options on the console ports - even mobile has that.