Same issue is happening on all platforms. Im on steam and its happening to me too
This is happening on PC as well. Im using steam and have to reset my perk load out and outfits every single time.
I'm also crashing on PC but I don't receive any error codes, I just boot up and got the first two DC penalties and after that nothing else. Just keep crashing mid game or loading lobby as survivor. I made a post as well to see if anyone else is having similar issues.
Same here. I closed my in game lobby chat before the anniversary and ever since the anni started my in game lobby is closed and doesn’t open anymore.
I also did not receive my Jake head and I've restarted twice and logged in after 2pm EST.
Same here
I am also experiencing troubles with the pipping system. I depiped from a Safety Pip and got a 0 pip from what was supposed to be a +1. This is post 4.5.2 Patch