I have a question for you, do you not like a challenge or do you think playing a game should be so easy that a dog or cat can just knock the controller around in a pvp game and be at the top of the leaderboards?
That what im talking about they keep their rank and only lose the blood point for that match and 2 pips but if they only have one pip they just lose that but thats it with no decrease to rank.
Do they really lose their rank or is it that they only the bp and the marks to their next rank, because i read that they will only lose their blood points and the macks that they have but will not go below their rank that they are currently on
I can understand where your coming from Rippershark but that doesn't happen all the time, but i have played as the killer and came across the same team 2 sometimes and the same two people disconnects right after i hooked them for the 3rd time i dont camp and i dont tunnel people its only when i go to hook players for their…
That no fun. So is it safe to say those people just want to use that as a way to cheat the gams design. Oh and i know why players play with players that are new or low rank just so they can see who the killer is. Why not just tak that out regardless, its no fun to know who the killer is
I say if that was the case then they shouldnt just lose their points they should lose their rank as well, and the ones that stay in the game gets 25% more blood points for each disconnected player. Why cant they do that for punshment and rewards no matter if its connection issues or they quit the game on purpose?