my main character is the trickster - always try to load the event to 7 knives so that when you enter chase one shotees the next survi - never keep launch mode active for too long - use any opening you see, be it windows, small spaces between walls or spaces between loops - never shoot at long distances if the survi has…
Revert horeverse the hook timer and we have a deal
In theory tomorrow we should have the developer update to have the ptb the following Tuesday
hey hello could you tell us if in those 4 killers that no names were shown if the trickster is inside since in January his name does not appear and I would like to know if he will receive something this November :)
No, si hacen esto matan al personaje, el necesita Buff no nerf y volver al Estado anterior lo hace más malo
I agree as long as dm it is still reversed
Trickster win please
hahahahaha there is never a cry like this They are not the same since the light counters 2 perks and the lanterns and firecrackers are objects, while distortion counters around 18 perks and killer's addon, plus the distortion can be used by all 4 survis. You are going to compare 16 perks of survi against 4 of killer. _.…