Just recorded a survivor hacker, you couldnt hit him and he teleported
SO where are we going with the hump thing? Cuz survivors TBag and thats also not appropriate and of the same nature
I rarely see ppl dc or hook suicide, maybe im in a higher mmr…
I play both survivor and killer, just want to make that clear. I put as much effort into escaping as I do as a killer, my point is its a lot less intense as survivor. Once you learn how to loop killers for at least 1-2 gens its easy day almost every other game. However you all failed to address my issue with the subtle…
I was in a solo q match where I had been juicing the killer for a long time, I didnt take any hooks because the killer literally couldnt down me. My team mates were all on death hook, but the issue I was having was they wouldnt STOP HEALING, they healed more than worked on Gens. Some even used Self Heal without any…