Thanks, guys :)
The whole community is toxic, seriously get over it. If you wanna throw some insults back. do it, might make you feel better afterwards or just go to the next match and forget it.
Started with Meg, switched a bit to Claudette after being proven that she's a got character to hide with. Now due to the awesome outfits I'm going to main Feng. Kate Denson looks like freakin' Hagrid with the hair - the Devs can't do hair models well at all. Megs Teen Angst ponytail looks like a turd or a wildly turning…
Face camping, or even better a failed face camp at the end gets tbags in response. If I have a "normal" round with a good killer or a 'baby' killer, there's no reason to be an ass - no matter how many people died or how tricky it was to escape eventually.
Myers cause he's a cutie, and I like his screams when he gets pallet stunned. Doctor is nice cause I can throw sneaky play out of the window and run wild and not get judged. Also he has a charming laugh. Yes.
The grind for shards gets insane, when you reach higher levels and exp to level up becomes more. However I'm quite ok with it, because luckily I only wanted one Feng Outfit which I bought 1/3 with shards and the remaining two pieces with the cheapest auric cells pack. Considering I got the Game and all the dlc I own for…
She looks like a meerkat now