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  • You know that isn't an argument, right? That's an uninformed dismissal of actual counter points. FYI, his statistics of game speed are correct, although at the more extreme end of the spectrum—the points still stand. And remain completely uncontested.
  • Another classic deflection! "I'm here to argue and debate and complain about whiny killers, but I won't actually debunk or refute actual points BECAUSE I HAVE A LIFE!" You haven't refuted anything. You've said killers should focus on the pipping system instead of survivor nerfs (which I don't disagree with in the…
  • I'm talking about in the Doctor/Ruin patch notes, not previous patch notes. Balanced Landing was a welcomed nerf but didn't cripple the perk. The new maps are fine, but new maps say nothing to the imbalance and survivor-favored nature of more than half of the other older maps in the game.
  • That's just it. You haven't substantiated any of your own points, and instead of doing so, you're just saying, "Yawn, I don't really FEEL like it." You've also just said, "Killer bad, no skill, git gud, survivor just do objective!" You have refuted literally zero counter points in this thread. You have responded to none of…
  • He said in the video he didn't know there was another person there by the pallet, and I'm 100% sure you didn't know, either. He also got stunned once at the start, which literally shaved off a total of 1 second of his time. It took about a minute and thirty seconds for his chase, and three gens popped in that time. If you…
  • Classic. "I want to argue that killers are babies and need to stop complaining, but when killer mains bring up valid counter points, I'm just going to say they don't make any sense and that I'm too lazy to refute anything thereafter." 😏👌
  • To say the speed of the game judges the skill of the killer is extremely shortsighted. The size of the map and the killer being played play a big part in success. A Clown or Trapper is going to get "gen rushed" a lot more often than a Billy or Freddy on Cow Tree. The strength of the tiles on a given map and how closely…
  • included in nerf notes: "killers are annoying to play against as survivor!!! killer perks are annoying to play against as survivor!!! skill checks are annoying as a survivor!!! game slowdown is annoying to play against as a survivor!!!" not included in nerf notes: "survivor perks are annoying to play against as…
  • No killer wants to 4K every single game. Killers want to not have three gens pop within the first three minutes of the game because they've wound up on Rotten Fields as the Clown. Pre-nerf Ruin gives certain killers a chance because some maps are way too large and survivor-favored, and many killers have no mobility in…
  • I've already slowed down my playtime with this game, and I just saw the Hex: Ruin changes. They ruin (pun intended) one of the best slowdown perks in the game and make absolutely no mention of, nor do they acknowledge, gen repair speeds and how fast they go when you DON'T run Ruin. Now Ruin, going from one of the best…
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