Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • I mean for the past couple weeks even the amount of times basement is being proxyed or camped for me is a lot, I'm saying it could possibly be me being incredibly incredibly like 5% chance unlucky. And I seriously do not give a ######### about my reputation where nobody knows me on a video game forum.
  • The dude literally threatened to report me because I called him a loser, I cannot make that ######### up, that's seriously so sad.
  • This has happened to me a lot more than you'd think over the past couple days, at least for me maybe I'm unlucky, but ever since crossplay has been added camping has become much more prevalent in my games, and basement just ######### me over if im not in a full swf and my teammates might not be the best and the killer will…
  • Good point, but that's the issue especially when you solo q or even duo
  • Toxic no matter how you do it, and also for sure boring. Just ruins the game for survivors and killers tbh, like as a killer I go out of my way to avoid tunneling and camping or being an ######### because I understand how annoying that ######### is.
  • You've already embarrassed yourself dawg just get off this forum
  • Dude I called him a loser its not that ######### deep lmao
  • I did say that I thought the other guy was you, but if you also agree camping isn't toxic then I would also say that you are mentally subpar.
  • And I did say I thought you were the other guy, and I was wrong. But if you agree that camping isn't toxic then I would also call you stupid.
  • You're just wrong dude, and that's it. Camping being toxic has nothing to do with the rules, something that's toxic doesn't have to be against the rules. And if you honestly think that it's not boring or not toxic to camp then I'm sorry for you.
  • Sure its a competition and you want to win, but there should be absolutely no satisfaction or pride in winning by camping, that's just sad.
  • Oh you're not even the loser that said he'd report me for calling him a loser, thought you were. But the point still stands
  • Yeah I think DS is obviously good too, but half the time it does nothing for the unhooker. And just putting this out there, idk about my opinions on DS, whether its op or not. I think that I could agree that its op. But the reason why I love it even though i dont have it and i wish i did is because it can get you out of…
  • Yes, camping is a part of the game, but it is unfun, unskillful, and toxic. Sure, I called you stupid, because I think your opinion that it is not toxic is stupid. Just being honest :)
  • Yes, bt is a great perk for countering camping, the only one. I'm saying if you don't run bt.
  • The point of the video game is supposed to be fun, complaining about people being competitive is kinda stupid, as that's just how video games and people are.
  • Ok, that's only if the killer picks you up and doesn't kill the person that unhooked first. That person would still just go back on the hook you just got off and rinse and repeat.
  • Like the only perk, bt? That's the only perk that I can think of that could stop camping. Which I do not think bt makes the game survivor-sided.
  • Well yeah no ######### but at that point the killer gets a free kill or at least someone into 2nd stage. I know that basement is supposed to be in the killers favor but it just isn't fun at all, in my opinion for killers and survivors. I just don't see the fun of getting easy wins because you can put someone in basement…
  • Basement itself is not toxic, but it enables toxic play styles like camping, sometimes you can't avoid chasing near it. There's just nothing fun about basement what so ever.
  • Level 77 (not that new) and rank 3 survivor btw
  • Not really that new and okay maybe it isn't OP but even a lot of people agree that it enables bad play style and toxic ######### like camping and a lot of the time on certain killers getting people out of the basement is way ######### harder than it should be, and you can't argue that.
  • I know that I'm not a stupid #########, but a lot of the time there could be nothing around you to dead hard to so that's the only option.
  • I wish i had lythe hopefully it comes in the shrine I would cry tears of joy.
  • I want to soooo bad but I just don't like using sprint burst and I like being able to use dead hard for distance but it pisses me off so much.
  • No ######### but if youre bringing a rare item or you want to heal yourself and you just never can because of franklins. I just get hooked and then it disappears before i can get to it.
  • Yeah no ######### what im saying is its super ######### annoying, itd be a bit more fair if it was every down and not ever m1
  • I always lose the item or im hooked too long to ever get it back
  • Thanks for the tip
  • Its not that I can't always find it, which sometimes I can't find it because its in grass or some #########, but its just because if you get hit and then hooked and youre on the hook for a bit then its ######### gone
  • Yeah but only m1ing once? Really ######### annoying, I'd say itd be a bit more fair if it was being downed
  • Rank 3, annoying ass perk
  • And they banned me according to discord TOS, not because I'm too young to play the game according to their rules.
  • It's a ######### video game dude, what is the reasoning that I should not play it?
  • Yeah i mean theyre super choppy, i have a good computer and i can run literally any other game so idk why sometimes whenever i play against a laggy killer the skill checks are just really choppy
  • I have a hella good computer and i know i get over 100 fps and i have a 165 hz monitor, they are not laggy but super ######### choppy whenever i play against a laggy killer