The nerf reduced CoH self-care speed from 16 seconds to 18.23 seconds. This is completely inconsequential. CoH self-care should be around 24 seconds to balance it. That's about a 33.33% heal speed increase.
Remove the bonus progression though.
I'd like a better system but if it's a choice between a deeply flawed system and no system I'll take all the flaws.
I think MMR was much better than the old rank system for about the first month of its implementation. However, I think some serious flaws with the numbers or some matchmaking logic have clogged it up and now it's basically the same as old rank- just completely random.
Pre-MMR it ranged from 30% to 95% depending on killer, add-ons and perks. Now it's very inconsistent because MMR decides not to work often but generally average around 50% now when MMR is working.
Nope. Didn't get any despite having a lot of time on Bubba.
Things like unhealthy or unfun are very subjective so it's going to depend on each individual. I personally dislike NOED because it generally is just a 'free kill' perk. Regardless of how well, or how badly you happen to be doing NOED just adds an extra kill on top. There is no real counter-play except under specific…
The flaw I'm seeing in your reasoning here is you've fallen into circular logic. To justify considering the game a set of 4 1v1 deathmatches for the purposes of determining a win and a loss you have argued that the ideal survival rate for survivors is 50%. However, the only reason 50% would be an ideal survival rate is…
Yeah you're slightly off here he did not say that directly. It's a logical conclusion from what he did say but you shouldn't refer to it as a word-for-word quote. It gives disingenuous people a chance to smugly nitpick you. The direct quote is "If your skilled play doesn't get you the win was it really a skilled play in…
I'm not going to propose a win condition for a match of DBD since it's not really too relevant here and you can come up with a few viable options to choose from. Regardless, DBD is a 1v4, so it is a simple obvious necessity that the basis for determining who wins and who loses must be based on the format of 1v4. This…
You conflate an individualised rating change with individualised ratings. All team-based games with MMR implementations already have solutions for this. You cannot gain MMR in CSGO while the rest of your team loses it. My critique of the individualised nature is that it treats the game as 4 1v1s happening simultaneously.…
You've probably heard these critiques before but since I don't want to read every single post on this thread I'll voice them anyway. First and most important issue is I disagree strongly with viewing DBD as a 1v1 game in any capacity. This would be a critique of the base assumption that the goal/ideal for a SBMM system in…
As someone that posted about DMS' changes potentially making the perk unfair, unfun or overpowered I just thought I should note I'm pretty much exclusively a killer main anyway. I also hate the wiggle change. Only reason I didn't post about that is it's not as problematic but yeah it's an awful change all the same.
The problem with the way DMS will function is basically it's just way over-tuned here. The impact of 45 seconds where no gens can realistically be worked on cannot be overstated and it's repeatable for every hook you get. You can imagine a good Artist player that gets a down every minute or so is going to be using this…
Nothing really stops her from periodically sending crows to gens she's already sent them to before. It doesn't cost anything and as the gens that are being worked on get blocked she will have fewer to send crows to.
Not sure if I'm missing something here but if Artist hooks someone and then fires a crow there is no opportunity to avoid a hit before the hook. I'm not sure if it'd be a good idea to actually fire a crow to get someone off a gen and then hook, though that's an interesting strategy I think it's more reliable to hook first…