Glad to know I'm not alone with this, pretty much every second game or so, someone brings Azarov's Key, almost always it's whoever's playing as Ace with the comp outfit.
As a P100 Drac, and this pretty much summarizes how I feel. I personally don't think Hellfire was strong enough to warrant the nerf, I appreciate trying to spread out Dracula's strength among his three forms but this just feels like tipping the scales in the opposite direction, I don't even think the buffed wolf is even…
I honestly agree about the hellfire cooldown, feels like all the change did was make it so the wolf is the go-to and hellfire gets neglected.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll experiment with these and see what I find helps. Greatly appreciated.
The way I view it, Assassin is the best for chasing down survivors that you know the location of. I feel like Jailer is supposed to be the best at keeping survivors busy, but given how long he can chase them for if you get the full patrol buff, I find alot of the time he ends up chasing them for so long he inevitably…
I agree with this whole heartedly, I was planning on make my own post to air some specific grievances of my own, but a majority of what's said here I feel addresses alot of the core problems I have with the rework.
It's ridiculous how one "bug" gets turned into a feature and the other that might've actually made this rework tolerable gets removed. At the very least reduce the cooldown, the fact that I can't even use the Carnifex to destroy a single pallet or kick a generator without being stuck as a M1 killer for 10 seconds is awful,…
Reading through this thread, glad to know I'm not the only one who hates this character and finds them unbearable.
Honestly, I did consider that. But I'm also trying to think about the otherside, I'm not entirely sure how oppressive the full effect is, considering how difficult it is to get to activate.
I try not to, I usually just either put a few down near objectives or high-traffic areas and the rest I use in chase, so sometimes they can bunch up. The issue isn't really multiple pods being disabled, it just feels like survivors have EMPS ready constantly.
To answer both of these questions, I already have every other character prestiged, so I'm not in dire need of obtaining any perks, as for rift challenges, don't have any to save at the moment, the rest were used for Forged in Fog along with obtaining my first P100, so I'd only be using what I have saved as of today, which…
Just gone against Legion nearly 5 games in a row and went looking for this EXACT thread. Words genuinely cannot begin to describe how much I hate Legion. All it takes is one deep wound inflicted and the Legion just starts to domino, running to the other side of the map rarely ever seem to work nowadays, and with the buff…
Thanks for being the first person on this thread to give an answer to counterplay that doesn't boil down to "There is counterplay, but I won't tell you what it is". I'll admit, I'm pretty sure I've employed all of these strats before and they almost always rarely work. That might be something on my part, I know it has…
Doesn't refusing/neglecting to discuss the ways she has counterplay just continue to further the narrative of her not having counterplay? I get that you're probably sick to death of talking about it, but even just a quick tl;dr is appreciated.
Do you mind elaborating on the ways to counterplay her then? No joke would honestly be a big help.
This is also happened to me on Coldwind farm (Thompson House), I wasn't able to record and I haven't been able to recreate in private matches. Other perks included Inner Strength, Flashbang and Counterforce, killer was a Legion. Infinite Lithe occured after the killer picked me up at a pallet, teammate got the pallet save…